In My Mailbox (52)

In My Mailbox

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a way for book bloggers to post what they have received for review, borrowed from a friend, bought at the bookstore, or picked up at the library!

Well, I originally only had a couple of books to share with you guys this week…that is until I took a gander at all of the free books on Amazon! I found some titles that look pretty awesome!

For Review:

Keeping Secrets In Seattle

Keeping Secrets In Seattle by Brooke Moss (e-book)

My Thoughts: This book sounded far too adorable to pass up plus I am a giant sucker for the cover. I am loving the main characters style and I haven’t even “met” her yet! Thanks Entangled Publishing!

Snark and Circumstance

Snark and Circumstance by Stephanie Wardrop (e-book)

My Thoughts: I am going to be part of a blog tour for this book later in the month. It sounds like a fun story! Thanks Swoon Romance!


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Savor by Megan Duncan (e-book)

My Thoughts: I love Megan and her writing! When I received an email this past week letting me know that book #1 in her Warm Delicacy series would be free on Smashwords, I squealed a bit…okay A LOT! It sounds awesome!

Miss Me Not

Miss Me Not by Tiffany King

My Thoughts: I love Tiffany, she is an absolute sweetheart! I saw that one of her books were free so I just had to snag it up!


Gravity by Abigail Boyd

My Thoughts: This sounds creepy and mysterious!


Branded by Keary Taylor

My Thoughts: Gorgeous title and it sounds like a gripping story!

Just A Little Crush

Just A Little Crush by Tracie Puckett

My Thoughts: This sounds like such a cute book!

Girl Of My Dreams

Girl Of My Dreams by Morgan Mandel

My Thoughts: This sounds like a book version of Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! I can’t wait to see if it’s just as cute as I remember the movie being!

Lucky Charm

Lucky Charm by Marie Astor

My Thoughts: It sounded sweet & funny not to mention it was free. I thought, why the heck not!?

Cupid's Cupcake

Cupid’s Cupcake by Ivy Sinclair

My Thoughts: It seemed like it would be a sweet Valentine’s Day read!

Perfect For You

Perfect For You by Kate Perry

My Thoughts: Another freebie! This sounds like a really good romance!

Double Trouble

Double Trouble by Deborah Cooke

My Thoughts: It sounded good, and the price (*cough* free *cough*) convinced me to give it a try!