Tune In Tuesday (160)

Tune In Tuesday

Hello and HAPPY TUESDAY!! I have decided to kick it old school today with my tunes and have only selected songs on my very outdated iPod. They really aren’t that old but because I haven’t added any new songs to it in a few years, they all just seem a bit old. But I love them regardless. I hope you all enjoy!

When We Were Young by The Summer Set

I Don’t Wanna Be by Gavin DeGraw

Wrong Side of Love by Augustana

Tune In Tuesday (121)

Tune In Tuesday Cover Edition

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly feature in which bloggers get to showcase another one of their loves, music! This feature was originally created by Ginger over at GReads! but you can now find it here at Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands. If you would like to participate in this weekly feature, make a blog post showcasing a song (or a few!) and link up at the bottom of this post by clicking the cute blue guy! While you’re here make sure to check out all the other awesome blogs that have decided to participate!

Hi there everyone! I hope you are having a lovely Tuesday! This month Tune In Tuesday is extra fun because we are doing Cover Edition! I absolutely love finding covers of songs that I can’t seem to get enough of. Today’s songs are a mix of some of my favorite covers and I am beyond excited to share them with you. I hope you enjoy!

Skinny Love by Gavin Mikhail (Original by Bon Iver)

I am a bit torn on which one I like more, the cover or the original. I think I am just going to have to call this one a draw because they are both pretty freaking amazing.

Price Tag by The Wombats (Original by Jessie J)

I am a huge fan of the Mashup Mondays that Billboard used to do. It was a fun way of seeing a different side to bands that I love. I love The Wombats something fierce and the fact that they can sing a song that I loathe and actually make me love it just shows how talented they are.

Dreams by Augustana (Original by Fleetwood Mac)

This is another Mashup Monday song I came across a looong time ago. I have been a Fleetwood Mac fan since I was a little girl. That is the stuff I grew up on so it’s only natural that I love their stuff even now. I was a bit worried at first to see a band I love (Augustana) do such a well-known song, especially one that is among my favorites but I think they did an incredible job with it. I love that they kept their “Augustana tone” to it.

Sweet Nothing by Corey Gray & Madilyn Bailey (Original by Calvin Harris & Florence Welch)

I love everything about this version of the song. I liked the original okay but there’s just something about the cover that I LOVE!

Friday I’m In Love by Scars On 45 (Original by The Cure)

This is one of my all-time favorite covers. Why you ask? Well first off, The Cure is one of my go-to bands. Their music never fails when it comes to putting a smile on my face. Secondly, I adore Scars on 45 to absolute pieces. Seriously. I have found myself sharing their music here on the blog time and time again but I have to say, this is pretty high up there as far as a favorite of their songs. I love that they slowed the song down and put their own spin on it. It almost sounds like a totally different song!


Tune In Tuesday (60)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

For the whole month of May, Tune In Tuesday is Random Playlist Edition! All you need to do is open up your music library whether it be Amazon Player, Zune, iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, etc. Once you have it open, hit random and let it do the picking! I decided to go along with 3 choices from iTunes and 3 from Spotify again this week so I hope you guys enjoy!


Wild Angels by Martina McBride

This song is bringing back some major memories. Back in the day when it was just my little sister and I, we were OBSESSED with Martina. We would sing at top volume while trying to hit her long notes every single time (never enjoyable to listen to)!

Borrowed Time by Augustana

I adore Augustana. End of story.

Risky Business by The Cab

After seeing this band in concert last winter and following a lot of their YouTube videos, I will forever be a fan of their music!


Free by Haley Reinhart

This song is rather catchy and I kind of think I love it.

Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute

Listen to this song and try to tell me you don’t like it. It’s just not possible!

Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

Ginger introduced me to this song quite a while ago when she sent me a mixed CD and it was instantly one of my faves! Lately it has been getting lots of buzz because of a certain YouTube video (below)!

Tune In Tuesday (47)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I know I complain about this holiday a lot but if I am being completely honest, it is really sweet to see couples in love all over the place. I for one am making the most out of my singleness this year! I’m spending the day with a smile plastered on my face, I will snack on any food I so desire and I will NOT feel guilty about it, I will be dressing up like I’m going on a date with a real-life boy, I will have a movie date with my friends (we are going to see The Vow!!!), and I will of course listen to one cheesy love song after another. As I was getting today’s love-infused post ready I realized that I love a TON of love song even with my lack of relationships. And when I say a ton, I mean it! I picked way too many songs for my post today but just so you know, this is like the wayyyy narrowed down list of my favorite love songs!

Hey Baby by Bruce Channel

This will be a song I dance to at my wedding….one day. I don’t know if it is because it is part of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack or because I just love it so much.

Baby Blue Eyes by A Rocket To The Moon

I stick this song on and for just a brief moment my very brown eyes are in fact blue. Or at least I pretend they are. This song is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.

Steal Your Heart by Augustana

Every song Augustana sings could very easily be a love song that makes my heart melt, this one is no different!

Fall by Windsor Drive

Windsor Drive creates some of my FAVORITE music. I was first hooked on them when I heard this song…it just happens to be about love <3

Ours by Taylor Swift

Taylor writes a ridiculous amount of love songs that I adore but this newer one is just so sweet!

Meaning by Gavin DeGraw

Just listen to the lyrics, you will understand completely. Plus it’s freaking Gavin DeGraw… swoon<3

Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute

I just want to snatch a random guy up and dance with him to this song. I love it so very much!

One Day by Jack Savoretti

This song was in Post Grad so yes I fell in love with immediately. BUT I think I love it even more now because it is just the perfect “Yes, we are friends but I want to be more than that” type of song.

Tune In Tuesday (39) Part 1

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

This is the third week in Tune In Tuesday Concert Edition! It is a month-long feature where we talk about our favorite concerts, ones we want to see, or ones we will be seeing in the near future. For this week I decided to go with a list of performers/bands I have not seen in concert yet. (The major word being YET)

I consider myself very lucky when it comes to the amount of concerts I get to go see every year. Right now I am at about 4-5 concerts (at least) per year but I would love to raise that number even more, especially now that I have a steady job. Over the years I have been able to attend awesome events and see all sorts of bands live. BUT there are some bands that visit MI and leave before I get a chance to see them. Some of the bands that I would love to see and will pretty much die happy if I do get to see are:


I am a HUGE fan of Augustana. When I saw they were touring MI a few months ago I freaked out BUT then they canceled the tour and my heart broke. However, I now have something to look forward to! They plan to be in MI on January 30th. Can you guess who is going to try to get front row at that concert? This girl right here!

Dashboard Confessional

This is one of those bands that came to MI and snuck out before I got a chance to see them. Actually Chris Carrabba was playing an acoustic performance the same night of another concert I was attending so there was just no way. I would LOVE to see them sometime soon though. Their music is just so amazing.

All American Rejects

I love these guys so much. In fact if you look at my comment on Tee’s post last week, you just might spot some drool residue. I have been in love with them since I heard the lyrics of Swing, Swing while at recess in middle school. Since then, my obsession has only grown and I will not be happy until I get to see them live. And yes, I will be the crazy fan in the front row trying to tear their shirts off.

Plain White T’s

There is just something about their music that is soothing, lovely, and adorable. I have a feeling they wouldn’t be the normal type of concert I attend, they would be a bit more mellow but they are still someone I would love to see live. You can’t listen to the lyrics of this song or Hey There Delilah, and not love them!

Jack’s Mannequin

These guys were at Warped Tour the very first year that I went and I missed them! I had no idea they were there until I met up with another group of my friends later on and one of them showed me her picture with the band. I almost started crying! I imagine sitting on a beach somewhere, watching the sun set, and having them play a small concert for anyone gathering around. I know the odds of this actually happening are slim to none but I can always hope.


Yes, Ginger has made me a SafetySuit fan. Yes, I will buy their CD even if half of the songs are on my iPod just so I can listen to it in the car. No, I am not against driving across states to see them. Seriously guys, LISTEN TO GINGER! She is not lying when she fan-girls all over these guys saying how truly amazing they are. Listen to her tweets, read her posts, they are ALL telling the truth. This band is amazeballs!

The Veronicas

I love these girls. I think they are edgy, unique, fun, and just so freaking cool! I think their concert would be like one epic dance party that you just DON’T want to miss. I can only imagine Kati and I going crazy, dancing like maniacs, singing super loud, and having the best time ever at one of their concerts.

So there’s the list of some bands I would just love to see! As of right now, a lot of them have absolutely no tour information posted on their websites but it is my goal to see at least half of them within the next year!

Of course they are not the only ones I would love to see in concert though! The Avett Brothers, Parachute, Walk The Moon, The Cab, Boyce Avenue, Hawthorne Heights, The Killers, and  Mayday Parade would also be some super epic concerts! I think they would all put on a good show.


That moment in Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty, when Marcus Flutie takes the stage, is enough to capture any girl’s heart. You have to read the book to fully understand what I am talking about but that song, yes, that song, is what I really want to see played live one day. I have a feeling if it were to be a real performance at a real party, I would have beaten Jessica Darling (even though I love her to pieces) just so Marcus could be mine. I realize how psychotic that makes me sound but if you (or once you…) know the words to the song and what happens following it, your heart will just flutter.

Special Announcement!!!!

Don’t forget to check out my Tune In Tuesdy: Part 2 post. It is my day for the 25 Days of Jubilation! There is plenty of music and a few books up for grabs!


Tune In Tuesday (15)/ Teaser Tuesday (9)

Tune in Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

This week’s band is one that I am sure has been featured on other Tune-In Tuesday posts from others before. How could they not be? They are so full of awesomeness. Listening to their music makes my heart flutter, I kid you not. I love everything about the music that they create. The lead singer’s voice, the lyrics, the EVERYTHING. So by now you are probably thinking to yourself, “who could this band possibly be?” Well to answer that question my lovelies, I’ll give you this response, “Augustana of course!” Guys, this band brings a smile to my face every single time I hear their music but this song in particular really does it for me. So good!

Augustana: Sweet and Low

Now for the Teaser Tuesday part of this post! This awesome meme is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Teaser Tuesday asks you to take the book you are reading, flip it to a random page, and share two sentences (no spoilers though!). Sounds easy enough, right? Well it is, plus it is a great way to see what others are reading!

It has actually been a long time since I have done a Teaser Tuesday post so I decided this week was as good as any to start that back up again. Being the ever-proficient person that I am (trust me, that’s a joke), I am reading two books at the moment so I have a few teasers for you! Enjoy and please leave a link if you have a Teaser Tuesday post to share with me!

“It was totally psycho!” added Scott. “We put the mouse in an empty cage with the goo. The mouse went and sniffed at it…stuck its nose in the stuff. And then, like, the stuff oozed and swelled up, and right before our eyes…another mouse. This is totally jacked up, man.”

Sue’s Fingerprint by Andrew D. Carlson, pg. 8

Coyel pointed towards Gonstower. “They call us Witches. But long before that, the Creators named us Keepers. It’s what we are. Keepers of the Four Sisters–Earth, plants, water, and sunlight. And as a Keeper, you can’t deny that all are floundering. If we don’t act now it’ll be too late.”

Witch Song by Amber Argyle, pg. 24 (e-book)