Tune In Tuesday (162)

Tune In Tuesday

Hello, hello, hello!! How are you all doing on the fabulous Tuesday? I hope great! The good news is that I survived family vacation! Of course no matter what you’re doing with 11 people involved, it’s going to be a little louder, a little crazier, and a lot more hectic than your average sized family but we all managed to have a great time with each other so I think we can consider that a success. Since we were traveling with so many people, traveling by plane was out of the question due to expenses. We decided to do a good old-fashioned road trip. A road trip with my family means you are never quite sure what you’re going to be listening to. (Last year our trip down to Florida included all of us being forced to listen to the cheesiest, most horrible audio book of all time because my dad saw it at Cracker Barreland thought it would be all sorts of family fun.) Anyways, I decided for today’s post, I would share a few of our road trip songs that really stood out!

Should’ve Been A Cowboy by Toby Keith

I’m a huge fan of old school Toby Keith because that’s the kind of country music I grew up on. It I just so happens that my 10-year old brother is in love with this song. It came on a few times and we belted it out.

Rude by MAGIC!

My stepmom kept talking about this song and how much she loved it. It’s so catchy and fun!

American Pie by Don McLean

This is my dad’s all-time favorite song which means I have been listening to it since I was born. When it came on the radio, the whole entire family joined in.

Well those are my picks for this week; I hope you enjoyed! If you have a Tune In Tuesday post you would like to share, please be sure to leave your link in the comments section!!

Tune In Tuesday (161)

Well hello there everyone! I apologize for this post coming to you so late but that’s due to bad planning on my part. I’m currently in Myrtle Beach with the family and I didn’t have my post made up ahead of time. Also, the WiFi here is complete and total crap so I’m having to post off of my phone. Since I’m posting off of my phone, my post may look horrible and you have to click the link to go to my video, so that is yet another thing I’m apologizing for. Really, only one song is coming to mind today and I’ve got it down below for you. Hope you enjoy!!!

Tune In Tuesday (160)

Tune In Tuesday

Hello and HAPPY TUESDAY!! I have decided to kick it old school today with my tunes and have only selected songs on my very outdated iPod. They really aren’t that old but because I haven’t added any new songs to it in a few years, they all just seem a bit old. But I love them regardless. I hope you all enjoy!

When We Were Young by The Summer Set

I Don’t Wanna Be by Gavin DeGraw

Wrong Side of Love by Augustana

Tune In Tuesday (159)

Tune In Tuesday

Hi there everyone! How is your Tuesday going so far? I am still recovering from BEA but I must say it was such a blast! I was able to meet so many incredible authors, bloggers, and people of the book industry. Since I haven’t really had the time to prepare songs in advance for this Tune In Tuesday, it is going to be all sorts of random courtesy of my Spotify “Starred” playlist. I hope you enjoy!

Heaven by Boyce Avenue and Megan Nicole

Simple Man by Deftones

Everything Has Changed by Julia Sheer and Landon Austin

I guess today was the day of all the cover songs! If you have a Tune In Tuesday this week, be sure to leave your link in the comments section!