Tune In Tuesday (156)

Tune In Tuesday

Hi there everyone! How are we doing on this lovely Tuesday? Can you guys believe that we are almost halfway through May already? It’s crazy how fast the time is flying by. I am STILL without a computer and it is still KILLING me. I feel like I am so out of the loop with all things Tune In Tuesday but I reallllly hope to get a working computer this week. Since it’s still hard for me to put these posts together without the laptop, it’s going to be another randomized week. I hope you all have a fantastic day!!

On Your Own by Green River Ordinance

Why Can’t I by Liz Phair

Addicted by Simple Plan

6 thoughts on “Tune In Tuesday (156)

  1. Green River Ordinance is one of my favourite bands – love, love, love your first choice. Sorry your computer is still out of commission – good luck with getting a new one/getting this one up and running :)

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