Tune In Tuesday (49)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

Beware: Lots of excitement, caps-lock, and exclamation points lie ahead. Read at your own risk!

I cannot believe this day is almost here; a day I thought would never come. In just 24 hours I will be attending the GREATEST OF ALL-TIME!!!! Yes, I understand I say this about every concert I go to and for the most part it’s true, but this one is going to top all those other concerts combined! Before I even mention who the lucky band is, I will give you one guess! They are brilliant, hilarious, and talented, the lead singer has red hair that I just want to touch (admit it, who doesn’t want to touch that huge mass of awesomeness?), they are my favorite band EVER…..have you guessed yet? It’s We The Kings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert lots of dancing and screaming* I understand that this is the 9th time (I have lost track at this point so we are saying 9) I’ve seen them, but trust me, these guys put on the best of shows and I could never get sick of listening to their music!!! And not only will I be seeing them perform but I get to meet & greet with them before the concert! There are absolutely no words for how excited I am about this. I have been planning my outfit for weeks, I tell anyone I come across in public (and yes, I do mean anyone), and let’s not forget the psychotic outbursts that have been occurring randomly that may or may not include lots of jumping and screaming.

This concert would be epic with only We The Kings but they had to go and make me freak out even more by having Mayday Parade, Anarbor, and The Downtown Fiction join the tour as well! These are all bands that have been rocking my socks off for quite some time now and I am beyond pumped to be seeing them in concert (again). In honor of this awesome concert I will be posting one song from each of the amazing bands! Enjoy!!!!

Skyway Avenue by We The Kings

Jamie All Over by Mayday Parade

You and I by Anarbor

Super Bass (cover) by The Downtown Fiction

Guest Post + Giveaway: Before Leonora Wakes by Lee Thompson

Title: Before Lenora Wakes

Author: Lee Thompson

Red Piccirilli is a runt, a dreamer, a naive boy with an imaginary friend and little else. But right before summer vacation starts he finds an albino girl trapped in a shed behind a local house. After Red frees her, the world he knew quickly unravels into something more mysterious—an unsteady reality where a man with silver teeth and buzz saw voice points him toward the true meaning of sacrifice.

Today on the blog I have a wonderful guest post by author Lee Thompson! Check out what he has to say and then at the end of the post, enter your info in the form to be eligible for a kindle copy of his YA book, Before Leonora Wakes (there will be 10 winners!)


The Joy of Creating New Worlds

Thanks to Katelyn for allowing me to guest post!

In the past year and a half I’ve sold five books to Delirium/Darkfuse Books, and another to Thunderstorm Books. But before that I’d written a YA novel—BEFORE LEONORA WAKES —that ended up the start of my thirteen-piece Division series. While writing that little teen story I found it funny to be thirty-six and feel like my teenage years were right behind me, all I had to do was glance over my shoulder. We carry our pasts with us, whether they’re full of love or heartache, magic or mayhem, and as writers it’s cool to take those situations, whether large or small, and fictionalize them.

Before Leonora Wakes is a tale of meaning and magic that’s also filled with the joy, sorrow, and the confusion involved in growing up.

Red Piccirilli is a runt thirteen-year-old. He isn’t cute or popular, but he is curious and as the story unfolds he fears it might be the death of him, his imaginary friend Pig, and the girl who Red is crushing on but is afraid will never like him.

He’s on his way home from school when he sees a strange man in a blue coat at the crosswalk in this quiet little town where life seems normal. But things quickly take a stroll into dark woods as Red and his imaginary bud follow the stranger they’ve dubbed Mr. Blue home. From beneath a hedgerow they watch him go to his shed out back and for the briefest moment they see an albino girl locked in a dog kennel as he opens the door. Pig wants nothing to do with it, he doesn’t even think they should call the cops, his head and mouth full of what-ifs (What if the cops come and Mr. Blue moved the girl? What if Mr. Blue comes looking for them? What if Mr. Blue finds them?)

They flee and return home but Mr. Blue saw them and pays a visit.

He has lessons to teach them: about friendship, about love, about desire and most of all about choices and consequences.

There are several things I enjoy about creating new worlds (and in finding the right pieces I find my life, my hopes, fears, setbacks, and victories)…

“The Very Human Mingling Among the Very Strange”

The unknowable both excites and frightens me and it has since I was a boy.

Pretty much everything I write (and in turn, what I most love to read) is grounded in everyday problems and the emotions that stem from loneliness, confusion, anger, tragedy, love, hope, joy, and unmet expectations. Plenty of material to mine from the rich vein of reality, but I also like to dig into metaphors and the idea that reality as we know it is very personal and sometimes very strange. I enjoy developing the strange side of the equation as much as the commonplace. Mr. Blue, the mysterious stranger, signifies many things. But most of all he encompasses that gray area between good and evil, committed to his duty, fighting a battle that he alone can’t win.

“Engaging the Imagination”

I’ve never liked ho-hum, and too much of the ordinary can grow boring. I’ve moved around a lot, drove over-the-road truck, and seen so many beautiful places. Those times I spent traveling are always a springboard for building worlds. I draw from the real and add the most interesting and suitable content the story calls for. This little town is where I grew up in Kingston, Michigan. It’s nowhere near true. Mr. Blue’s house doesn’t exist other than in the boy I once was who always stumbled by this one house that long stood abandoned for most of my young life. People stayed away from it without ever saying why. It was an eyesore, a place forcibly forgotten.

From such fodder we build castles. A writer asks questions and it’s fun when the reader and characters find their way along together, hand in hand. Because Red doesn’t know jack, really. He has to find the meaning of love in a young girl that seems so much more comfortable in her skin than he is. He has to discover healthy pride for the things he is good at, instead of the things he’s not. He has to dig deep for courage because anything less might destroy him.

“The Mystery”

It’s incredibly satisfying as an author to discover new/original characters caught in strange situations. It’s fun to find out who they are, what they’re about, what trials they’ll face and how they’ll overcome them. Conflict, discovery and setbacks reveal/develop character and story. It’s thrilling to set characters off on a journey, whether for love or survival, and find that they are much more complex and resourceful than they could have ever guessed. There are several mysteries layered throughout Before Leonora Wakes. Red isn’t exactly prepared for any of them, but that’s part of the fun!

“The Pay Off”

It all comes down to connecting with readers and hearing that the story moved them, that it made them feel and made them think and wonder. It’s why I love books across all genres.

I’m going to give away ten copies of  BEFORE LEONORA WAKES for Kindle. Thanks again to Katelyn for having me and for anybody’s interest! I’d appreciate an honest review on Goodreads or Amazon from anybody who reads it. Thanks so much!


Lee Thompson started selling fiction in early 2010. His novels include NURSERY RHYMES 4 DEAD CHILDREN (Delirium Books, 2011) and THE DAMPNESS OF MOURNING (Darkfuse Publications, 2012) both small but important parts of his Division mythos. He also has several sexy novellas available and forthcoming from Delirium Books, Thunderstorm Books, and Sideshow Press. He’s not a productive writer of short fiction, but has sold to magazines he loves, like Shock Totem, Dark Discoveries, Darkside Digital and Literary Mayhem. You can visit his website but don’t be a stalker!

 Lee’s website

Lee’s Goodread’s page

Lee’s Amazon page


Tune In Tuesday (48)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

This week, I have such an amazing band to share with you guys! I first met them at Warped Tour this past summer. I think I randomly passed by them at some point throughout the day and they gave me their CD but then again they could have been a random band I saw, fell in love with and then proceeded to stalk their merch tent but the details are a little fuzzy. Anyways, a couple of weeks ago I attended an AWESOME concert. I knew that Days Difference, He Is We, The Summer Set, and The Cab were going to be there but when this band showed up on stage, I was so shocked! They were the perfect opening act, so fun and energetic! The audience was definitely able to see how much they enjoyed what they were doing.  Honestly they could have been the ONLY act at the concert and I still would have loved every second of it. Unfortunately they were not around to take pictures after the show (probably hiding from crazy fan-girls that stalk their merch tables) but I did manage to snag their newest CD and a poster, heck-to-the-yes! And now you will listen to some of my favorite songs by Paradise Fears! I hope you enjoy!

p.s. These guys seem so sincere and I just adore them. I must also inform all of you that the lead singer is a vegetarian like myself (the other guys might be too but I only know about him for sure!). Do you know what this means? We were basically destined to be best friends!

Fall On Me by Paradise Fears

This is from their 2010 EP and if you ask me, they sound like a completely awesome band at such an early stage. This is one of my favorite songs from the CD I got at Warped Tour.

Last Breath by Paradise Fears

Is it just me or does this music video remind anyone else of the book, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher? I just saw it and that was the very first thing that came to mind!

Violet by Paradise Fears

There is something so unique about this song. I liked it from the very first second.

Stereo Hearts (Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine Cover) by Paradise Fears

I had to show off a cover song! I think these guys did a phenomenal job with Stereo Hearts (plus you get to see how absolutely adorable they all are!)

Here To Stay by Paradise Fears

This is my very favorite song from their newest CD! I can’t stop listening to it!

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome Twitter Party!!!

You all are cordially invited to the A Touch Awesome Twitter Party!

In honor of the release of Leah Clifford’s second book, A Touch Morbid, Cate Peace and I are hosting a Twitter party. Now you may be thinking, “What is a Twitter party?” It is a fun way for a ton of us to get together (on Twitter) to talk about Leah’s series! We will talk about our favorite characters (the good, the funny, the crazy, and the evil!), our favorite moments, favorite quotes, and everything else we love about this series! In order to make this event extra special, Cate and I are also giving away some AWESOME prizes! Here is what is up for grabs:

3 random participants will receive a signed A Touch Mortal bookmark

2 runner-ups will receive a pre-order of A Touch Morbid

1 grand-prize winner will receive a $30 store credit from Leah’s Cafepress store, The Mortal Portal!

All you have to do to participate in the event and be eligible to win one of these AWESOME prizes is:

-Must be on Twitter at 8 pm. CST on February 21st

-Must use the hashtag #ATMParty

-Must talk about why you love the series (or if you haven’t quite read it yet, why you think you WILL love the series!)

Cate and I will be on Twitter throughout the whole event so please come join us and we’ll love you forever !

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome

Hello fellow bloggers and book lovers! Welcome to the fifth and final week of the A Touch Awesome Blog Tour hosted by myself and the lovely Cate Peace! We are so in love with Leah Clifford’s A Touch Mortal and we are so impatient to read the second book in the series A Touch Morbid that we decided to host a blog tour going straight up to the release date! Last week we went over our top 5 randoms from A Touch Mortal! I am hoping more will join in the last week of the tour!!! All you have to do is write up a blog post on this week’s topic which happens to be:

Your top 5 favorite moments from A Touch Mortal!

This post is basically going to be one giant mix of what all the past posts have been! My favorite moments from A Touch Mortal are so eclectic! Some are swoon-worthy, others are funny, and there are even a few Luke-powered moments that chill me to the bone but I love anyways!

My top 5 moments in no particular order:

 “Just because I don’t know how to work a toy doesn’t mean I don’t want it in my box. She’s shiny.”

This is right after Luke first meets Eden. The words themselves seem innocent enough but there is something about the way he says it that makes it so creepy! I remember thinking that this guys was SO bad news!

“Your eyes are blue, like the ocean.” She raised an eyebrow in annoyance, unable to believe he went with a line so pathetic. Slightly behind him, the other’s mouth cocked an apologetic half-smile. At least he knew his friend was an idiot. “I think I’m lost at sea,” lover boy continued, his voice sincere. A snort of laughter burst from somewhere between her throat and nose.

To me, this whole moment fits three of the main characters so perfectly. You get a sense of Eden’s hard edge (she snorts right in a guy’s face!), Az’s goofiness (who else has the guts to say something like “I’m lost at sea”?) and Gabe’s ability to be sweet and understanding(he smiles at Eden in a way that says “Sorry he’s an idiot but he’s also my best friend so I am not going to stop him”)!

“You’ve always been a terrible liar.” He pulled her into a tight hug. “Don’t be so stubborn! This is your excuse to call him. Use those feminine wiles to get back to what you need”-he cast a quick glance at the door and stepped away from her-“instead of luring in boys who will never measure up. I trust you, and I trust you’re smart enough to swallow your pride and do what’s best. They’ll protect you for now, but soon I’m afraid it won’t be enough.”

This moment is what convinced me that I would love Gabe for always and eternity! He is trying so hard to make Eden and Az both happy again and this attempt at reasoning with her shows just how much he cares.

Eden turned, ready to head down the darkened street when Kristen’s voice cut through the silence. “Hope’ is the thing with feathers–/That perches in the soul–/And sings the tune without the words–/And never stops–at all.”

This is the big moment. You know something epic (could be good, will most likely be bad) is about to happen. Kristen surprises us all with her act of kindness towards Eden but even more so with this poem. This exact poem at that exact moment could not be more perfect.

For this one I don’t have a quote but instead one short sentence: Gabe risks EVERYTHING for Az and Eden.

He is this beautiful, wonderful person always looking out for others and in the end he will give up anything and everything so these two can find happiness again. I cried like a baby!

Thanks for stopping by, and if you haven’t already, add A Touch Mortal and A Touch Morbid on Goodreads! While you’re at it, stop by Cate’s Post to read her top five moments! If you have been following this blog tour, THANK YOU! Cate and I have had a blast putting it together for all of you! I have some pretty awesome A Touch Mortal themed posts all week also Cate & I will have a HHHHHUUUGGGGEEE announcement that may or may not include information about a giveaway so be sure to keep coming back! Don’t forget to check out Leah’s blog (and just so you guys know, she is giving away a super awesome gift for every pre-order of A Touch Morbid!)

If you plan on joining the tour this week, then link up below!

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon End Post + Survey + Giveaway!!!

We have finally made it through the first ever Book Blogger Love-A-Thon! First off you will have to excuse me for just a moment while I totally spazz out on you guys.


And now you will have to excuse me while I spazz out on you guys some more only this time I will not be using caps lock.

I started this whole event with the hopes of spreading some comment love to all of the book-ish blogs out there. I thought it would be pretty freaking cool if I got a couple of bloggers together who wanted to do the same thing and we would make a whole day of it. To say that I never expected the Love-A-thon to turn out like this is a “bit of an understatement gov’na!” The turn out that I got for the Love-A-Thon was so unbelievable. I never in a million years expected so many people to want to join this. In fact, I never in a million years expected it to get HALF of the response that it got. People were pumped for it, they had amazing posts all ready, they were tweeting like crazy, and leaving SOO many comments all over. I had to step away and take a breather because I was so blown away by everyone. You all are the bomb-diggity!

  I am so happy that I decided to go through with this event. I am beyond proud of all of you who took the time to participate in the event. It took a lot of time and energy but I am hoping that you all thought it was well worth it! I for one had a blast visiting new blogs and attempting to leave comments (key word is “attempting”. Apparently there is an epic battle going on between WordPress and Blogspot…most of the time Blogspot won). I have a feeling that this event has opened up doors for a lot of people and you have met some many great, new friends! In this short 24 hours my blog alone provided over 670 links to other book blogs! MY BLOG ALONE! Do you know what that means? You guys visited 670 blogs and helped to make their day a little brighter. That is just so crazy-insane, so incredibly amazing that I don’t even know how to respond. I am so stunned, flabbergasted, amazed, and touched by this whole thing that the right words seem to elude me. Basically I just want to give each and every one of you the biggest hug ever! You made the past 24 hours so much fun and I cannot wait to experience this again next year!


To show you guys just how thankful I really am, I am giving you a chance to win three books of your choice!

-It is REQUIRED that you participated in the Love-A-Thon (I am using the honor system here so please, please, PLEASE be truthful)

-Fill out the form to be entered. Ends 2/25

Also, I want to hear what you guys thought of the event! This was my first time ever hosting anything like this and I am so proud of how it turned out but of course there is always room for improvement. If I hope to make this event more effective and even more fun in the years to come, your thoughts are needed! Take the time to fill out this super quick survey and I’ll love you forever!

Again, thank you all so much! I am now basking in the brilliance that is YOU!

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon Love Letter

Dear book bloggers,

You are the apples of my eye; the cinnamon to my roll; you are the book to my rainy day. You are free e-book to my kindle/nook. You make me smile when the real world gets hard. You make me cry when you post those pesky little reviews over heart-wrenching books. You make me laugh when you freak out over a book, trailer, epic author news. You also make me laugh when you joke on twitter, come up with silly posts, squeal over the most ridiculous things. You make me hate you when I pull my wallet out the instant I get done reading your reviews. You make me love you again when I end up LOVING the book I so grudgingly purchased after reading your reviews. You make me proud of the place we have created for all book lovers. You make me proud when you introduce new books and authors to the world for everyone to see. You make me proud when you share the blogger love to everyone. Basically what all of this means is that


You people have made my days so amazing. School sucks, work sucks, and big surprise here, babysitting sucks. No matter what type of day I am having I know I can log into my blog, get on twitter, or visit a few book blogs and everything instantly seems brighter, happier even. I have grown to love (or perhaps it is more of an obsession now) the book blogging community! It has turned into this big, warm, squishy place that I feel so comfortable just being myself in. Isn’t that what love is all about anyways? Just being accepted for who you are whether you are nerdy, dorky, awkward, book-obsessed, a complete and total spazz, or like me…ALL of those things. I have found so many truly amazing friends through this whole experience, people who don’t care if I am freaking out about a book, people who don’t unfollow me even if I post some new song on twitter 50 times in a row with hopes of someone out there listening to it. You guys accept my nutty, wacky, crazy self with no questions asked. You have allowed me to nestle into my own little corner of this big family and have accepted me with open arms. Thank you for everything that you have given me, the love, support, laughter, tears, recommendations, and friendship. You all rock my socks off!

With all the bloggy love in the world,


Book Blogger Love-A-Thon Mini Challenge #3

You guys have made it so far in all of this time! I hope you are enjoying all the blogs you have been introduced to today and are leaving lots of blogger love around the blogosphere! It is now time for the last mini challenge of the day! To be eligible for a $5 Barnes & Noble or Starbucks gift card you must make up a mini post telling us about your book blogging experience so far! The highs, the lows, and everything in between! What made you want to start book blogging? What made you decided to STICK WITH IT when you realized how hard it can be? How has being part of this book blogging community affected you? You don’t have to answer all the questions, those are mostly just topic starters for your post!

My mini post:

Had I known how rewarding of an experience book blogging could be, I would have started it ages ago! Starting this blog has easily become one of the greatest decisions I have EVER made. I have read some ah-mazing books, met some fan-freaking-tastic authors & bloggers, and I have forged friendships that I anticipate lasting forever. Book blogging has grown to be so much more than writing up reviews for others (that is still one of the greatest parts of book blogging but it is not the ONLY great part) it has become this huge, giant community that rallies together and supports one another. There has been so much kindness, love, support, and generosity spread throughout the whole blogging community, more than I have ever witnessed before.

I started this blog out of pure boredom. At first I talked a little about books, a little about music, and rambled about pointless things A TON! After quite a few months, I really started reviewing books and thus Katelyn’s Blog was born. I talked books all the time and slowly integrated music posts. Over time it became a bit more popular, I started receiving my first review requests, I had met even more awesome bloggers, all was well with the world! But then school hit and it got hard to keep up with all the blog-ish stuff. I had so many patient people who waited around for my posts regardless of how sporadic they were. Fast forward quite a few months, and I made some changes around here. I got a new background, a new name (Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands), and I vowed to become a better blogger. Maybe not the most consistent or best blogger but a better blogger. I worked hard to read a bit more, review more, and comment as much as I could. This vow to be a better blogger has taught me a lot. I am only human but as long as I do the best I can, it will be so rewarding in the end. I still have so much to learn but so far figuring it all out has been a blast!

Starting this blog was easy, maintaining it is a whole other story. I work, go to school full-time, and I also look after my younger brothers and sisters. But with knowing I have the full backing of a ton of great people out there, I manage to keep this blog afloat.  Sure there have been moments that I think “Is this really worth it?” and then I see a lovely comment or get a tweet from another blogger and I am reminded, “Yes, this is SO worth it. A million times worth it.” I have become a better reader, writer, and friend through blogging. I have encountered so many great experiences and I anticipate a trillion more to come in the future. That is why I stick with book blogging when times get tough. I remember to stress less, do this for the fun of it, and think of the great people I get to work with everyday!

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: Mini Challenge #2

Congrats! You guys have officially made it to the halfway mark! You should be very proud of yourselves! So how many blogs have you commented on so far? Have you found some great new blogs that you didn’t know about before? I hope you are all having  as much fun as I am so far. As of right now I am tired! I have a 6 hour shift today so I did have to take a 2 hour nap and I will be missing out on lots of very awesome comment time but I hope you all can continue on! I will be back (hopefully) at 6-7 p.m.! I will fake sick or something and maybe work will let me leave early!

Anyway, now on to the second mini challenge of the day! To be eligible for a $5 Starbucks or Barnes & Noble gift card, you must make up a mini post introducing us to a few of your “newer” favorite book blogs! They can be ones that you just found out about today or ones that you’ve recently found that have made a big impact! Keep in mind the mini challenges are optional!

My mini post:

For this post, please keep in mind that I use the term “newer” very loosely! If I have met them in the past six months, I consider them a pretty new friend! Over the past couple months, I have had the pleasure of visiting some very lovely blogs and forming great friendships with the people behind them! A few friendships that have formed rather quickly and in a huge way are:

Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books! I cannot, for the life of me, remember out how we met! It could have been twitter, one of our blogs, goodreads, who knows! I guess the important thing is that we are friends now and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Her blog features such a wide range of book reviews from historical romance to YA! She loves blogging and reading so much and it definitely shines through on each of her posts! Being able to “meet” Alexa has been a huge blessing not only because she writes the most amazing reviews or spreads the love of books around but because she is so incredibly caring. She is the sweetest, most genuine person ever! Plus we are awkward twins who share the same love for sweets and Taylor Swift, what could be better?

Justin @ Justin’s Book Blog has been the best! I have been known to freak out, stress out, and freak out some more but he has been there listening to all my complaints! I am sure there have been a few times he may have wanted to smack me silly (heck I have wanted to smack myself silly quite a few times) but he never stopped encouraging me. He has been so kind! His blog is also pretty dang awesome too! This guy reviews books left and right, in fact I am quite jealous of the amount he is able to do each month. Pure brilliance!

Tee @ Dreaming Dreams No Mortal Ever Dared is awesome! Her twitter name is @dirtybrit, in fact I think that is what really made me want to get to know her. Once I finally saw that she had BRILLIANT music taste, I was a fan. But not only is she like my musical soul mate in some ways, she is also hilarious, writes up the best music posts, and is completely kick-butt when it comes to reviews! She makes visiting her blog a fun experience each and every time; their blog deserves all the recognition in the world.

Bianca @ The Brown Eyed Bookie has been such a sweetheart! She has been putting so much time and energy into this Love-A-Thon and I love her for that! We first met through Tune In Tuesday posts, and guess what….she has an awesome music taste too! Her blog is full of adorableness!

If I didn’t mention your name, don’t fear! I still love and adore EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU, new and old but if I were to talk about everyone, we’d be here all day! Check out all these blogs and even the ones on my Bloggers To Check Out Page, leave a random comment or two so you can share the blogger love <3 Thanks for joining in on the fun!

Book Blogger Love-A-Thon: Mini Challenge #1

It is 6 a.m.!!! Do you know what that means? Yes, it means you are probably really tired BUT it also means it is time for the first mini challenge! Anyone who decides to participate in this is eligible for $5 Starbucks or Barnes & Noble gift card! For this first mini challenge you will make up a “thank you letter” in which you thank all the blog(s) that inspired you to start your own blog! It can be mushy, gushy or funny, super long, or just a quick thanks; whatever you want! Once you have the mini challenge posted, come back here and link up! Be sure to check out everyone else you participated in this mini challenge as well!

My thank you letter:

Dear YA Love Blog & The Story Siren,

You two are the first book blogs I ever looked at, in fact you are the only two blogs that I looked at for MONTHS! I had always loved books but thought nothing of pursuing my interest any further than reading the occasional book. You two introduced me to this whole other world. Before long I was reading more books than ever, talking about books more than ever, connecting with fellow book nerds and even authors! You both have changed my life in a drastic way; because of you I was introduced to blogging and all the amazing things that come along with it!

YA Love Blog, for you it was during class when you showed us your awesome little blog. You had us read some of your reviews and comment on them. Right away I was amazed about everything that you had done with it. You may not know this but it was you, your blog, and even the completely awesome Young Adult Literature class you taught that really got me interested in books again. That in itself deserves a giant THANK YOU! My family thinks I now have a hoarding issue when it comes to books but I know I am a better person for re-falling in love with books all over again. I could say thank you a million and one times and it still wouldn’t be enough!

The Story Siren, you must get it all the time but you are awesome! I was just a little 16-year-old looking at your blog and thinking “this woman knows authors, she knows publishers, she is like famous!” In fact, I still think that about you! Your blog has inspired so many people, from bloggers to just the average Joe looking books up online, to pick up books, to read them, and then share them with everyone they know! Your blog has taught me a lot about what I want to accomplish as a blogger and I thank you for that!

It is because of you two that I have found two of my true loves, books and blogging! Thank you for being such awesome bloggers, readers, reviewers, and people!

Your number one fan,


If you are participating in this mini challenge, link up below and check out other blogs that have joined in!