In My Mailbox (39)

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a way for book bloggers to post what they have received for review, borrowed from a friend, bought at the bookstore, or picked up at the library!

The past couple of weeks I had really slow mail weeks (Keep in mind slow does not necessarily mean sucky. I am REALLY EXCITED about what I did get) so I waited until I had enough for a good IMM post. Hope you enjoy!

For Review:

The Art of Disappearing by Elena Perez (e-book)

My Thoughts: I cannot wait to read this book! I want to learn all about Delia’s life and this little “gift” of hers!


Easy by Tammara Webber

My Thoughts:Goodness gracious people, I freaking love this book so very much!!! Don’t believe me? Read my review for it right here!

Between the Lines (Between the Lines #1) by Tammara Webber (e-book)

My Thoughts:Clearly I was on a bit of a Tammara Webber kick these past couple of weeks. After Easy I just HAD to have other books by her. I cannot wait to get started on this series!

Where You Are (Between the Lines #2) by Tammara Webber (e-book)

Good For You (Between the Lines #3) by Tammara Webber (e-book)

Wanderlust by Windsor Drive

My Thoughts: I know this isn’t book related but I am so excited about the awesome music I got in my mailbox this week that I just had to share it with you guys. If you haven’t heard of Windsor Drive before, I suggest you all check them out!

Books for school

My Thoughts: I don’t see how it can cost me $200 for 4 books, all used, and three of which I am only renting but whatevs. It’s all a part of the college life!


Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown

My Thoughts: Thanks Justin! This book sounds so fantastic and it’s been a while since I’ve read a good road trip book!

Well that’s it for books the past couple of weeks. I hope you all had awesome book weeks & happy reading!




Life As Kate (24)

Last Saturday started off way earlier than one would normally want on a day off. At 8:00 a.m. I got up (Not because I wanted to. Screaming, little, half-naked boys tend to wake any person up) and went upstairs only to have my dad say to me: “I need you to move your car because I have a load of dirt being delivered.” Here are a few things to keep in mind about what “load of dirt” means in our house:

-It is a DUMP TRUCK full of dirt. As in one of those gigantic trucks that carries gigantic loads of stuff.

-It means someone will be on our tractor(s) depositing smaller bucket loads of dirt all over the yard. The person filling this position(s) will likely be a male since they are apparently the only gender capable enough to maneuver a tractor around the yard. You know, sitting on your butt, driving a tractor all day can be really challenging work and us weaker females are not strong enough for such duties….

-And most importantly it means someone (my sisters, stepmom, and I) will be raking out these smaller piles of dirt to make the yard more level all while my dad and brother (the ones driving the tractors) are pointing, dictating, and critiquing our work.  This is a task that works more muscles in more places than I even knew I had. For instance, my love handles hurt for a solid two days afterwards. I didn’t even know 1) I had love handles and 2) that love handles could hurt after excessive amounts of yard work.

Now that you know just what this means, you can understand the insta-horror I felt that morning. But since I like to pretend I don’t hear unpleasant things, I decided to bake instead of springing off outside to do yard work. I made some uber delicious Reese’s Krispie Treats (if you haven’t tried them yet, I suggest you do so like RIGHT NOW!) for my cousin’s wedding later that day. Once I was finished there was nothing left to do but face my morning/afternoon full of yard work.

I will spare you most of the gruesome details but yard work = gross.

Once we were all cleaned up, the whole family went to my cousin’s outdoor, old-fashioned, country themed wedding. There were hay stacks, old bicycles/wheels/armoires/frames/windows decorating the yard, and glass jars for our drinks. It was basically the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. Plus there was a photo booth area so it’s safe to say my family was highly amused for at least a full hour.

Sunday I spent my morning and early afternoon cleaning and doing a crap-ton of homework. Afterwards I had work which wasn’t too bad considering it was a 9 hour shift and I was there until 12:30 a.m.

Monday I had classes. I rocked my quizzes, spent too much money on vending machine snacks, and tried my best to ignore all the creepy guys that keep sprouting up around school (Seriously people, creepy guys are multiplying like rabbits). This day was made infinitely more incredible when I got my mail. You see, there is this band that I sort of love, Windsor Drive (you may have heard me gush a time or two) well anyway, I pre-ordered their newest CD and it came in the mail along with a signed poster. Those guys are made of pure awesome!

Tuesday I got to go visit my cousin Stephanie who is away at university. Even though the school is only about 45 minutes away, it has been so hard for us (her, my sister, my stepmom, and I) to all get together. But we had a blast, giggled uncontrollably throughout our whole lunch, caused a scene at the restaurant, and had a fantastic day!

Wednesday was school which was basically a repeat of Monday minus the vending machine snacks; a girl’s gotta watch her shape ;)…really I just got snacks from our school bistro instead of the vending machine.

Thursday and Friday I had work which wasn’t a complete suckfest, more like a partial suckfest. The work part of it went quite alright but I had a cold for most of the week so this made even the smallest nuisances just a bit more irritating.

On top of everything this past week we (my family) were all still getting used to the new school schedule. Trying to figure out homework times, play times, bath & bed times, as well as sports schedules and school meetings can be a bit tough. Even though our schedules have been hectic, I am so proud of my youngest brothers this past week. Zack (the 8-year-old) came home from school every day this week and was EXCITED to do his homework with me. He was also thrilled to bring home his first book order form. This made for an incredibly happy Katelyn.

I have a few awesome things coming up this week: a movie night with a friend, a Detroit Tiger’s game with Kati and Stacey, plus a special little surprise for Stacey this weekend. And also, Abby, my youngest sister, has her first homecoming dance next weekend. It’s going to be a busy week but I cannot wait for everything!

I hope you all had a fan-tabulous week!


Yay! New, awesome music!

Zack insisted on wearing that hat…

Me, my stepmom Karie, my sister Abby, and my sister Kari

My sister’s and I. I <3 those girls!

My brother would likely kill me if he knew I put this on here…

Book Playlist: Easy by Tammara Webber

As I’ve said many times before, creating playlists for multiple occasions is a huge hobby of mine. Just recently I have started doing it for books. I can’t say I do it for every book but for the ones I really love I can’t help but pick out a few songs that really remind me of it.

I recently reviewed Easy by Tammara Webber and let’s just say, I love that book hardcore. It is easily one of my favorites this year and I knew I had to do more than just review it, so I decided to come up with a playlist of the book. Some of the songs remind me of the story in general, a specific character, or a scene in the book. I hope you guys enjoy and of course if you’ve read the book and can think of another song I should add to it just let me know!

And if by chance the playlist is not working below, I picked out a few of my favorite songs to feature as YouTube videos!

P.S. If you are a fan/user of Spotify you can subscribe to the playlist by following this link!

Prove You Wrong by He Is We

When It All Falls Apart by The Veronicas

Fall by Windsor Drive

Life As Kate (17)

The past week has been craziness, as per usual, BUT it was filled with so much fun I could hardly contain myself! Here’s what went down:

Last Saturday, my OFFICIAL day off, was pure brilliance. I stayed by the pool all day, read a whole book, and watched Zeke accidentally fall into the pool not once but twice (hilarious thing to be seen).

Sunday turned out to be another great day by the pool! I didn’t have work until 5:30 that night so I was able to spend most of the day outside. Once I went into work though, it was not a fun time. We had this thing called Stage Set which is basically corporate’s way to make us sales associates go totes insane. They send us over a sheet of names, colors, and styles of clothing and that then tells us where we move it in the store. We pretty much moved everything from one side of the store to the other and we were doing this fun little task until 1 a.m.

Monday was an early morning (8 a.m.) at work. Once I got home I sat my booty on the couch and did not move it until bed time.

Tuesday was work again but afterwards I actually had plans (Hurray! Some resemblance of a social life!). Kati, Stacey, and I all met up for dinner after work, which was DELICIOUS, then we went shopping (I got the cutest pair of glasses, see picture to the upper right), and then topped the night off by going to the movies. Tuesday nights are free popcorn nights for us reward card holders and us girls are never ones to pass up free popcorn! We saw What To Expect When You’re Expecting, and holy cuteness, batman! I LOVED THAT MOVIE! If you have seen Valentine’s Day at all, you’ll know what I mean when I say it is about a few different couples that are going through pregnancy and they are all interconnected in someway. It was hilarious, sweet, funny, a touch of sad, adorable…I just loved every second of it!

Wednesday was even more FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! I slept in, took my time getting ready, then went over to Kati’s so we could go to yet another concert! This one was with Grant Woell, Windsor Drive, Deas Vail, South Jordan, and He Is We.

Sidestory about Windsor Drive- So I never did a re-cap post about the last time I saw these guys but it was a ton of fun. I basically dragged Kati and my sister Kari to this hole-in-the-wall bar an hour away. We were all fans of Windsor Drive before this but we had no idea who the other performers were. We get to this bar and there is no one there except for this really weird group of little boys playing music on stage and their parents sitting in the audience. Once these boys were done, it was still just us 3 girls and 2 other girls that completely ignored us. Finally the first band, From Indian Lakes took the stage and HOLY WOW! These guys were so great! I felt so horrible because they were far too talented to only have 5 girls and a bunch of random guys from the other bands cheering for them. Regardless, they put on an awesome show, and we had no problem dancing along to their music. After them, Windsor Drive took the stage and at this point a few other people had shown up but still not enough to be really comfortable. We still managed to have a blast singing along & dancing to their music. After they rocked it out, Carter Hulsey took the stage and what a great act he was! He was funny, entertaining, and he sung the heck out of every song. He made all the guys from the other bands dance with us (poor guys, we suck at dancing) and we all had a good time! We had so much fun talking to and meeting everyone after the show and we left feeling even more in love with these bands.

Now back to your previously scheduled programingThe concert we attended on Wednesday was so amazing! The first to take the stage was Grant. He was adorable as heck not to mention he played Brokenhearted by Karmin, one of my new favorite songs. After him Windsor Drive came on stage. They played a lot of new songs which made me way too excited for them to release their new EP/Album. Kati and I danced around like crazy which may have embarrassed normal people considering NO ONE else around us was dancing, but lucky for us we are not normal. After Windsor Drive came on, South Jordan took the stage, and guess what guys…I have a new band to add to my LISTEN TO THEM ASAP list! All of these guys were hilarious on stage, played super fun songs that we yet again danced around too (still no one else was dancing, they must have been drugged), and they even did a mini cover of Boyfriend by Justin Bieber which made me kind of fall in love with them. Deas Vail came on the stage next. They were another group of guys who know how to put on a good show! I was thrilled when the played one of my favorite songs by them and yes you better believe it, Kati and I continued to dance! He Is We FINALLY came on and then major confusion hit. Someone who was totally not the lead singer of He Is We took the stage and started singing songs that were definitely by He Is We. I thought that for a hot second we were being Punk’d and Ashton would pop out and surprise us. This is not the case. Turns out that the lead singer has come down with an illness so this new girl was filling in. She did such an awesome job! I still felt the energy and story behind each and every song! Kati and I danced one last time and sang the words to every song that was played. Once the show was over we went to meet the bands, YAY!!!! So were just chilling, when Jon from Windsor Drive says “Hey you guys look familiar!” My night was made after this. (now you know the reason for the extremely long flash back above) Even though there were only a few other people at their last concert, I was so happy they could remember such fun, vibrant people such as Kati and I (haha!) We took pictures with the band and were able to talk to them for a little bit. Next we went on to meet South Jordan. They were just as funny as they were on stage. They thanked us for being the only ones dancing like maniacs in the audience (see, the dancing paid off) and they returned the favor by taking pictures with us and signing our t-shirts and CD’s. We talked to these guys for a while mainly about John Mayer’s mustache and Gavin DeGraw’s mugging. I guess it was safe to say that this was one very successful concert!

Thursday totally paled in comparison to Wednesday! I spent the whole day dancing around to all four bands on Spotify while cleaning the basement. Good times folks, good times.

Friday I had work which kind of sucked big-time. We are part of a huge outlet mall and it is a holiday weekend so that means sidewalk sales galore! Each sales associate had to stand outside for at least an hour, this meant much better mall music than our store but it also meant major hotness. My original 5 hour shift was extended to 8 and I left feeling sweaty and exhausted.

Now that it’s Saturday, I have work again which means more sidewalk sales, so exciting. Can’t you tell how thrilled I am? Here’s to hoping that the day passes by super fast and that your guys’ holiday weekend is much more exciting than mine!


*Kati and I before the concert*

*Kati and I along with Windsor Drive*

*Kati and I along with South Jordan*

Tune In Tuesday (52)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

This is the very last week of Tune In Tuesday Book Playlist Edition and it makes me so sad! I really wish I didn’t miss that one week because there is a ton of music related books I would have loved to share with you guys! But since it is the last week, I will try to make it extra special by posting a few of my very favorite songs that remind me of a few of my very favorite books!

Endlessly by Green River Ordinance paired with The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

I really felt so many raw emotions while reading this book that I could have easily picked 20 songs to go along with it! It broke my heart in the most beautiful way but it also showed me all about love and I think this song displays that perfectly.

Everything Falls Apart by Carter Hulsey paired with On Little Wings by Regina Sirois

I recently saw Carter in concert and picked up his CD. As soon as this song came on, I was reminded of Jennifer and Nathan’s story ESPECIALLY when the line from Robert’s poem is mentioned in the song. That plays an important role in the book.

Birds of a Feather by The Civil Wars paired with Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood

This song has that sort of hauntingly beautiful feel to it and that is exactly what I experienced while reading this book.

Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift paired with Forget You by Jennifer Echols

I still don’t know what it is about this song. It could be the mention of green eyes but I like to think it is just the whirlwind of feelings flying between Zoey and Doug in this book. You can definitely tell there are sparks flying between the two!

Daughter Of The Sun by Windsor Drive paired with Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

This is another hard one to really explain. It may be because I listened to this CD a lot right around the time I read the book but I like to think that the lyrics tell a very similar story.

You Found Me by Kelly Clarkson paired with The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

You know I had to pick at least one Sarah Dessen book! I actually had a super hard time because I feel as though her stories are so specific, it’s hard to match a song perfectly. I know this song gets paired with a lot of paranormal books but I actually really like how it fits with this story. Wes brings out a whole other side to Macy. She is just going through all the motions but Wes and the whole gang get her to open up and grow as a person.

I’m Just So Excited….

It has been a while since I’ve done a completely random, pointless post so I decided there is no better time than the present! As you can guess from the title I am super excited about something and as you may or may not know, there is only one thing that gets me super pumped…okay, I lied there are a ton of things that get me excited including but not limited to: ice cream, books, sleeping in, cats & dogs, etc., but for this instance we are just going to say MUSIC! I am going to a very out-of-nowhere, non-pre-planned concert! I got a tweet from one of my favorite bands the other day saying they were going to be in MI this weekend, yes I did flail crazily and squeal like a dying bird. Windsor Drive has been featured a few times on the blog and I constantly share their music with the people of Twitter (whether or not they actually listen to me when I say “LISTEN TO THIS NOW” is unknown but they are crazy if they don’t take just a little chance!). I first met them last summer at Warped Tour and since then, I’ve had a bit of an obsession. So you can only imagine how psychotic I have been acting the past couple of days! Coming along on this tour is Carter Hulsey (he rocks my socks off!) and From Indian Lakes (definitely a new favorite!). Kati, Kari, and I will be going later tonight so expect lots of pictures, lots more tweets, and perhaps a mixed CD giveaway a little later in the week! In the meantime, take a listen to the three Brilliant bands I will be seeing tonight!

Shine by Windsor Drive

Black and Blue by Carter Hulsey

Away! by From Indian Lakes

Tune In Tuesday (47)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I know I complain about this holiday a lot but if I am being completely honest, it is really sweet to see couples in love all over the place. I for one am making the most out of my singleness this year! I’m spending the day with a smile plastered on my face, I will snack on any food I so desire and I will NOT feel guilty about it, I will be dressing up like I’m going on a date with a real-life boy, I will have a movie date with my friends (we are going to see The Vow!!!), and I will of course listen to one cheesy love song after another. As I was getting today’s love-infused post ready I realized that I love a TON of love song even with my lack of relationships. And when I say a ton, I mean it! I picked way too many songs for my post today but just so you know, this is like the wayyyy narrowed down list of my favorite love songs!

Hey Baby by Bruce Channel

This will be a song I dance to at my wedding….one day. I don’t know if it is because it is part of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack or because I just love it so much.

Baby Blue Eyes by A Rocket To The Moon

I stick this song on and for just a brief moment my very brown eyes are in fact blue. Or at least I pretend they are. This song is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.

Steal Your Heart by Augustana

Every song Augustana sings could very easily be a love song that makes my heart melt, this one is no different!

Fall by Windsor Drive

Windsor Drive creates some of my FAVORITE music. I was first hooked on them when I heard this song…it just happens to be about love <3

Ours by Taylor Swift

Taylor writes a ridiculous amount of love songs that I adore but this newer one is just so sweet!

Meaning by Gavin DeGraw

Just listen to the lyrics, you will understand completely. Plus it’s freaking Gavin DeGraw… swoon<3

Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute

I just want to snatch a random guy up and dance with him to this song. I love it so very much!

One Day by Jack Savoretti

This song was in Post Grad so yes I fell in love with immediately. BUT I think I love it even more now because it is just the perfect “Yes, we are friends but I want to be more than that” type of song.

Tune In Tuesday (37)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

This is the very first week for the month-long Concert Edition!!! Who else is super freaking excited for this? Going to concerts is my favorite activity to do. We have some decent clubs and small venues about 1-2 hours away and I just love taking the night to drive there and watch some awesome performances. Since I was about 14, my parents have trusted me enough to go to concerts with my friends. Over the past 5 years, I have been lucky enough to attend several amazing concerts all of which hold a special place in my heart.

To start things off right, I will have to post from my favorite concert of all-time! Warped Tour comes around once a year and it seems to out-do itself time and time again. I have attended the past four years and do not intend to quit until I am well over the proper age limit for concert attending (like grandma status). For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, let me explain (at least how it is here in MI). At The Detroit Tiger’s Stadium, tons and tons of bands come together for one day of musical greatness. There are several stages set up throughout the parking lot (either 6 or 7) and a band plays every 30-45 minutes on each stage all day long. If you add that up (which I wont because I am too tired for math right now) it is a whole lot of concert seeing to be happening! You pay a flat cost (about $40) to enter the venue and then you can venture around to whatever stage you want whenever you want. Seriously guys, it is the funnest thing you will ever experience. The weather is usually hot, there is an ungodly amount of people many of which are either shirtless or high, and your feet will be crushed by the end of the day but it is all part of the experience. While at the concert there are a TON, and I mean a TON of chances to meet bands, get things signed, and buy all the merchandise your little heart desires.Honestly, if you have never attended before, I strongly suggest you do so because no other concert-going experience will compare!

Now on to the bands that have melted my heart at warped tour! (sidenote #1: Some of these ALL of these are repeat bands but since I love them so much, I figured I show them some love again today!) (sidenote #2: There are SO many more bands that I’d love to post but I would be here all day!)

There For Tomorrow

There I am with There For Tomorrow!

Windsor Drive

How awesome is it that he plays the piano?

The Maine

You may stare at this picture as long as you’d like. I understand, he is gorgeous.

Artist vs Poet

Monster can from Artist vs Poet. It still sits on my shelf!

Hey Monday

Sucky picture but the performance was AMAZEBALLS!

There is such a wide range of music at Warped Tour, that is what I think I love best! You’ve got the rocker chicks, the pop-punk bands, the alternative piano rock bands, you just have anything and everything!

And since I was feeling creative…


Of course, I love books with music in them so I thought I’d have some fun with this feature and include a fictional concert I would love to see for real. To start things off this week I picked Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway. Seeing the Do-Gooders perform and feeling all the wild energy from the crowd as they bust out the lyrics to Audrey, Wait! would be awesome. Being there at the start of someone’s career like that and feeling like I’ve watched their journey from nothing to Something Huge would be so extremely cool. Even though Audrey is one of my favorite gals EVER, and I know that song caused a lot of problems for her, I think hearing it live would be AMAZING!


Vans Warped Tour 2011

On Friday, July 8th, I attended Vans Warped Tour for my 4th time. This is an all day concert set up in a parking lot of the Tiger’s baseball field. There are 6 main stages set up throughout the parking lot and a TON of merchandise tents inside the baseball complex. Every stage hosts about 15-20 bands throughout the day so that means there is LOTS of music to be heard. You can just travel around to whatever stage you feel like to listen to different bands. You can also go wandering around through the merchandise tents to buy t-shirts, cd’s, and even meet a lot of the bands. Basically this is a day full of awesome that I love participating in every year. This year was perhaps my favorite year yet. The weather was perfect, the music was great, I got up close for almost all of the performances, plus I got to meet a lot of great bands! Here are a few pictures of my day at Warped Tour!

Here is the group that I went with to Warped Tour: Kati (my best friend), me, Kari (my sister), and Nick (a friend from high school)

The first band that we saw was The Ready Set. I really love their music so I wish we could have gotten a bit closer!

After The Ready Set we were off to see Relient K. I only know 2 of their songs but they had an awesome performance. I can’t wait to listen to more of their music.

Next we saw The Dangerous Summer. I knew absolutely none of their songs but I am telling you what, THEY ARE GOOD! I would know this since I was in the first row for their concert! On a sidenote-the funky looking security guard with a mohawk totally loved us. He gave us a free Monster!

Then we went to see It Boys. This is another band I have never heard of but they were good (I even bought their CD). The lead singer took off his shirt at the end of the performance; it was quite possibly the most glorious thing I’ve ever seen.

Then we got to see Shut Up and Deal. I pretty much have found a new favorite band and they are it for a number of reasons. First, I really like their sound. They put on an awesome show. Second, they are perhaps the nicest guys I have ever met. Yes, I say met because we talked with the band for about 20 minutes after their performance. Third, the lead singer sang to me during one of their songs. How do I know it was me he was really looking at? Well he told me of course! When we went to their merchandise tent after the performance he was like “Oh I made eye contact with you during a song,” I then said “Yes you did. It was really awkward and I didn’t know what to do with myself.” That brought on a super long, funny conversation that I am sure other fans hated because we had the band preoccupied for quite a long time. They took pictures with us and signed the CDs that we bought. so yes, they are definitely a new favorite!

Next was Windsor Drive, you guys may remember them from my Tune-In Tuesday post from a few weeks ago. Anyways, we got to get first row for their concert. This may sound pretty wonderful but there were only 2 rows of people to fight our way through which is really sad considering they had one of the best shows of the day. They sounded so great live and even though they didn’t play my favorite song, their music still made me all sorts of happy. We got to meet the band at the very start of our day and we even took a picture with them but it was with the bands camera! They will be posting the picture on Twitter….eventually, so I am sure you guys will see a slew of tweets by me when that happens! At the end of the day we went back to their tent to buy some of their merchandise. I got a signed shirt and three CDs all of which have been on constant replay!

After Windsor Drive we went to see another band called There For Tomorrow. I first met There For Tomorrow at Warped Tour my first year going so I was super excited I was able to see them again. Also, this is another band that I have featured on a Tune-In Tuesday post! Anyways, we got super close for their performance and it was pretty good. It wasn’t my favorite because they played all new songs that no one knew but on the bright side, their new CD is awesome!

Once There For Tomorrow was done playing we went to see what Vonnegutt could do. They were pretty freaking awesome. They are a lot like 3oh!3 and Gym Class Heroes mixed together. We also got to meet them after the performance and my friend got a signed CD!

Next was The Wonder Years. This band is a newer one to me but I really loved their music. They had some really strange fans that were doing some sort of tribal-looking dance that was probably ment to resemble a mosh pit. Regardless, they had some good songs!

Next, we fought ourselves through this super big crowd to see the closing act….

Hellogoodbye! They were so freaking awesome! The music was great, the lead singer was a total nerd but we all love him anyways, plus the security guards got us all pumped up by spraying over 100 bottles of water over us!

Now there were some random moments throughout the day where I decided to take pictures of us having fun. Here they are:


All in all, it was a pretty spectacular day! I got to meet so many great bands, even ones that I didn’t get to see perform! Dear Diary gave me a free CD as well as Rival Summers. I got to meet up with Phone Calls From Home, a band we met at Warped Tour four years ago. I got the CD and one of the band members (whoever he was, he was really cute), gave me a big hug. I got another CD from the singer of Pop! Fiction, the lead singer of Assemble The Skyline, and I also got to buy a CD from an awesome new band called Lacerda. So yes, you guys should all see if Warped Tour comes to a city near you because I can guarantee you will have an awesome time there!

Tune-In Tuesday (14)

Tune in Tuesday is a rockin meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

This week’s featured band is one I did not even know of until a month ago! I am going to Warped Tour again this year (it will be my 4th or 5th time!) so I was going through bands that will be at this year’s lineup. This is one of the bands that will be performing and I couldn’t be more excited! They have such a brilliant sound. Their music is a little-known wonder but trust me, every song is perfection! Without further ado, I present to you Windsor Drive!

Windsor Drive: Fall