New Music Monday (1)

New Music Monday

‘New Music Monday’ is a new feature here on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands. This feature was thought up partly because of the awesome people at I Am Mighty Records. They keep me updated on new artists that they have signed and I figured they needed a whole feature dedicated to these up and coming artists! This isn’t going to be a weekly feature, it’s more of a post as the music comes along type of thing but I hope you enjoy it regardless!

For today’s artist, I have:



“Hailing from Newcastle, Indie Rock 4 piece ‘Alexander’ are releasing their debut album ‘Say Hello’ in early 2013 on I Am Mighty Records.

The band has been creating a buzz across the UK already. The first single ‘You Lost Youself’ taken from the record is out now, with a beautiful acoustic version of the song as a B-side.

Taking influence from the likes of Jimmy Eat World, Futures and Two Door Cinema Club, ‘Alexander’ are bringing a punchy and appealing sound to the indie UK music scene.”

Today I will be sharing with you guys, the music video for their single, ‘You Lost Yourself’! I only have this song to go off of but I am already a fan of Alexander! Their sound is so much fun! I’ve listened to the song only a handful of times now but I already catch myself humming along to it. I think what I like most about them is how different they seem to be. They are not entirely pop-ish nor are they completely rock-ish (I suppose that’s what they mean by “Alternative” but still…). They have a sweet and simple sound to them but don’t let that fool you, I can also see myself dancing around like a goon to their music. Do yourself a favor and take a moment to watch their music video below (Beware: They are all completely adorable. I may have grinned like a fool while watching it…). If you are on Spotify, also be sure to check out the Acoustic version of ‘You Lost Yourself‘! It is slowed down quite a bit giving it a sadder (but still awesome) tone!

If you guys liked what you saw, be sure to check out their links below and of course keep your eyes peeled for the release of their new album!

Alexander - You Lost Yourself



Twitter: or @wearealexander



Purchase ‘You Lost Yourself’: iTunes



Dave Snocken

I Am Mighty Records

If you are one of the lucky ducks that happens to live in the UK (sidenote: I am forever jealous of you!), be sure to check out where Alexander is touring for the remainder of this month!

Alexander Tour Poster