Man oh Man!

 This whole college life thing sure is taking a toll on my social networking skills. I have not said hi to the world of facebook, wordpress, and AOL in way too long. So sorry to the two whole people that have viewed my blog since my last post! I really am trying to stay up-to-date. Anyways on to important news, this is Banned Books Week! As much as the action of banning books from a school system, I just can’t help but get excited that there is a whole week dedicated to the many amazing authors and books that get over looked because they have been labeled “unsuitable for certain readers.” That is just a huge load of crap in my opinion. On the Y.A. blog, there is a contest where you can make a statement about banned books. She has a link to the pdf files of banned books from the past. One point I made in my entry was, how on earth can a diary (definition being: a personal record of events in somebody’s life, often including personal thoughts and observations) written by the late Anne Frank, be listed right next to Adolf Hitler’s book Mien Kemp (aka My Struggle). This is just so bizarre to me. The reason I included the definition of diary, is because it is a TRUE recollection of events happening in one’s life. What reason would anyone have for banning that book? By banning that book you are setting the words of Anne Frank equal to Adolf Hitler. A psychotic man, who ultimately killed millions of Jewish people, has a book that has been banned just like the book of a young Jewish girl. Where are the morals and ethics in that?

Ok enough of that rant…

I have been a reading machine the past week! I have finished the book; It’s Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. It was awesome! The characters were extremely interesting, the plot is something I have never even heard of before, and the underlining theme of the story was touching. All in all, it was a really enjoyable read and I cannot wait to see the movie.

I also finished reading The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade. Can I just say, I loved this book !? It was funny, suspenseful, and just an all-around great book. Over the past year I have become a big fan of a story switching between male and female protagonists throughout the story. This book definitely made it in my top 10 list! I can’t wait to read the second (and ultimately the third and final) book that is due to come out this coming up summer!

Well it is late; I am tired, and unfortunately have a 9 a.m. class tomorrow. I do however, promise to keep my blog up to date from now on!

My 12th Blog Ever!

 My creative juices really weren’t working all too well tonight to think of a better title. Tonight was our first in-person book club meeting. It was such a blast! It was great to actually be able to meet in person and talk about some fantastic books. The website was recommended to me, so I am attempting to create an account (the key word there was attempting!) I am very excited to say that we will all be reading the book called It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. Not only does the story seem extremely funny and interesting, it is also being made into a movie. We will now be able to read a fantastic book and hopefully go see a fantastic movie! The one downside to meeting in person tonight was that we met at borders (a.k.a. my weakness) and since we were at borders I of course had to purchase more than one book. On top of the book I purchased for our book club, I also bought The Ghost and The Goth by Stacey Kade and Paranormalcy by Kiersten White (both of which were on my wish list!) Now before anyone starts thinking ‘why the heck would this girl buy three more books when she still has an ever-growing pile of to-be-read books, I need to say no worries! I have decided tonight that the Pretty Little Liars series is now finished for me. As much as I loved the first couple books, I just cannot make myself read the last two. I know they are probably great books but unfortunately I have the stupid personality flaw of never finishing something I start.

 Now on to the music scene. I have recently discovered that one of my favorite bands, The Summer Set, will be doing a tour with some other bands this fall/winter. I looked at their shows and sure enough there is one in Michigan. Just about the same time I realized this I also realized I have class that day. Now someone with a somewhat normal class schedule would not have an issue with this. Go to class in the a.m. and then hit up the concert in the p.m. (no big problem there). However, my schedule is not a normal person’s schedule. I just happen to have a 6-9 class that day. To say the least, I am quite upset that I cannot attend that concert. in other music news (which in reality is nothing important at all) I have had this dang Taylor Swift song stuck in my head all week. It is called ‘Superstar,’ and I listen to it at least five times a day. I am not too sure what it is that I find so entertaining with that song. Now Taylor Swift is one of my favorite artists but Superstar is definitely not her best written song but there is just something about it. It kind of reminds of wonderful times when NSYNC was on repeat in my CD player and I was going to one day marry Justin Timberlake and Aaron Carter. Another song that I just can’t get out of my head is a song by a band called The Secret Handshake and the song is called TGIF.  Here are the catchy lyrics (the whole chorus of the song is one great show after another!)

 The year was 1995
and I was too young to drive.
I felt so stuck on the inside
of my life. Whoa Whoa

Just living´ out my life through my TV
with all my favorite shows.
Wanted my life to work out so easy
Don’t care if anybody knows. Yeah

But now I’m old enough to drive.
No one can keep me inside.
Now I’ve got the day on my mind.
It’s my life. Whoa Whoa

Step By Step, these are Family Matters
and why Boy Meets World, I’ll never ever know
Who’s the Boss here? It’s a Fresh Prince.
We got a Full House; let’s get the show on the road.

Just living´ out my life through my TV
with all my favorite shows.
Wanted my life to work out so easy
Don’t care if anybody knows. Yeah

But now I’m old enough to drive.
No one can keep me inside.
Now I got the day on my mind.
It’s my life. Whoa Whoa

But now I’m old enough to drive.
No one can keep me inside.
Now I got the day on my mind.
It’s my life. Whoa Whoa

I just wanna live my life like it’s the 90’s
Like it’s a TV show
there could be problems but we would solve them
on next week’s episode

I just wanna live my life like it’s the 90’s
Like it’s a TV show
there could be problems but we would solve them
on next week’s episode

But now I’m old enough to drive.
No one can keep me inside.
Now I got the day on my mind.
It’s my life. Whoa Whoa

But now I’m old enough to drive.
No one can keep me inside.
Now I got the day on my mind.
It’s my life. Whoa Whoa

Well that’s my blog for tonight. Tomorrow should be an interesting day as I tackle my first real challenge as a college student: attending a tailgate and game. Wish me luck!

Life as a college student!


The idea that I am now a full-time college student, part-time State Farm worker, and an all-the-time daughter, sister, best friend, house maid, live-in babysitter, and a chauffeur, is really starting to make me wonder if I can handle it all. 

My very first week of college is now finished. The good news being that I survived! The bad news being that MOTT is full of some pretty creepy people. To really understand my full recap of the past week I should probably start off with what my schedule really is like 

Mon- Work at State Farm from 10 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.; go to English class from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Somewhere in that span of time I will also have to find a time to eat some food (preferably something healthy. there is no way I am going to be a part of the freshman 15 club) 

Tue- Biology class from 12:30 until 2; I then have a 2 hour break! (This can be either a curse or a stroke of luck but that part will come later on); after the break I have College Algebra (sophomore class by the way, and yes, I am a freshie) from 4 until 6 

Wed- Back to work at the good old State Farm and then Communications from 6 until 9 

Thu- Biology Lab 9-12, Biology 12:30-2, College Algebra 4-6 

Fri- Back once again to State Farm. Luckily this time I do not have class in the evening. My Friday nights are reserved for K-dog and K-cat time (also known as Kati and Katelyn time). 

Ok now that I have that settled I can go on. 

As I said earlier, I had my first week of college. I only got lost 3 times on the way to college (there are literally three turns that I make the whole way and I managed to screw all three of them up). My first day went by pretty good except the professor let us out about an hour early. Now if you are paying attn. to my schedule you will realize that this tacks on another hour to my already too-long break. I buy myself a juice (pay attention closely because this is where I make a grand mistake) and then head on outside to sit on a bench. I know I should have stayed inside and at least attempted to make some new friends at college but I just wasn’t feeling up to it. Apparently there was a giant sign hanging above my head with the words, “All freaks within 500 ft. please come here.” This same exact sign was apparently following me throughout the whole week. Every time I sat to take a break and read some new, strange person would strike up a conversation with me. The question I keep asking myself is ‘Where the heck are all the college hotties?’ Oh trust me they will be found sooner or later. 

On the non-educational part of my week, I spent a lot of time relaxing. I just had no energy at all. I didn’t blog or play bejeweled blitz the whole time! I did read though so I am very proud of that. I finished Twenty Boy Summer and Leaving Paradise. Both were very excellent reads by the way! Twenty Boy Summer is a story of two best friends dealing with the death of one of the best friend’s brother and the other best friend’s secret lover (that’s right it is the same guy). The friends spend the summer trying to make their goal of meeting 20 new main squeezes. It is a very sweet story of friendship, heartbreak, and of course love. Leaving Paradise is another fantastic book. It is a story of a girl struggling through the after math of a hit and run accident. It just so happens that the driver of the car is her next door neighbor. The two ultimately get a job working for the same woman and spend their days trying to deal with all of the extra damage that the accident caused them. I am now dragging my feet through the last two books of the Pretty Little Liars series. It is such a good series I just am such a scatter-brained person. I cannot seem to read a whole series all the way through unless it is under 5 books. Soon enough I will be done with that series and can start on the not so fun reading that a college education includes. Now I’m off to another week of college. Let’s hope this week includes a little more time for some fun!

My poor, neglected Blog

Reasons (a.k.a poor excuses) for why I haven’t blogged lately

Family health: My dad had a check up today. It is good news. It is for sure melanoma cancer but the odds are looking great. This weekend he will be having procedures done to remove the rest of the cancer. Also, my stepbrother Andrew dislocated his shoulder (the poor kid). It was his first ever football game as a J.V. player. The cool thing about that though, is that he actually popped it back into place so once the swelling goes down, we can determine how much damage is done to the tissue ( I’m hoping this will turn out to be good news as well).

Personal life: Katelyn’s tip of the day; stay single. Due to a few odd events in the past week I have decided that guys are just strange. When they are little kids all they do is eat bugs and play in the dirt. When they are teenagers they change their mind about a girl every 5 minutes (literally). When they reach their 20’s their main priority in life is to PARTY! And finally, when they reach, oh let’s say the exact age of my dad (51), they become strangely obsessed with fantasy football. As you can probably tell, I have experience with all the previous listed items.

Not that I have boyfriend issues. I am extremely proud to announce that I have been single for almost 3 whole years (if I don’t count the time I dated this guy for a week last year. I just couldn’t say no to his face!). I think it is important to be independent, I just wish I could hand over my stay-single-for-forever qualities to my sister (because trust me, she needs the help). She has dated enough jerks, pot-heads, and idiots to last our whole family a lifetime. I am not going to go into detail right now so I will end this with a quote:

                -“Guys are douche bags and I hate them all. They don’t know how to treat women, and I feel like this is why the lesbian rate is going up in this country.”

                Snooki is one wise woman!

My wallet health: I don’t even want to mention this. It is pathetic. Thank god tomorrow is pay day!

Exciting event: This Friday is my cousin Lexi’s birthday and she will be turning 8 years old. The girl is just amazing. She is adorable, super smart, talented in soccer, dancing, singing, playing the piano, and art. I am so excited for this because I was actually able to find her the perfect gift, and that never happens. Also, I am going to Chicago this weekend. I can’t decide if I’m more excited about the trip or the fact that we are taking a train down there. I just think that is so cool!

My mental health: Send me to the crazy farm!

                Ok don’t really do that but after today I am starting to doubt if I would ever be able to have my own children. Since my dad had his checkup today, I was in charge of all the kids. This is usually a piece of cake for me but not today. Three of the four kids that I had today had practice. I was in the car from 1:30 until 6:30. The fact that I also had Zeke (my 2 year old brother) made the whole day just a little more difficult. I didn’t realize how much patience it my stepmom needs to have just to make it through a normal day. Kudos to her!