So Long (but only for a little bit!)

Well guys, it seems the time has come for me to say goodbye. Now before you jump to any rash decisions on why I’m leaving, hear me out:

MY COMPUTER HAS DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert lots and lots of sad faces right here*

You see, I had known the time was coming but I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. One day it was working perfectly fine and then the next my bright purple, super pretty & handy best friend is gone. Thank goodness I have a 3 year warranty on it and they are replacing it at no cost to me but it will still take quite a while for the new one to show up. So be patient people, I promise that when I return there will be lots of reviews (about time!), that BEA re-cap I’ve been promising, and all the old but fun features including but not limited to: Tune In Tuesday, TGIF, Life As Kate, This or That, and In My Mailbox. I’ll still be on Twitter so if you find you are missing me far too much, you can always send me a Tweet! Thanks for being awesome!

Tune In Tuesday (63)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

As I’ve stated once or twice before, there is this purely AWESOME radio station that I love listening to but since it only comes in the southern parts of the state, I only get to listen every once in a while. Even though it’s not that often, I know for a fact I will ALWAYS hear this band playing when I do get the chance. I was captured by their sound from the very first moment I heard them. So who is this awesome band you may ask? Well none other than Cage The Elephant of course! Since I found a fancy way to share my Spotify lists with all of you, I don’t even have to pick a few favorite songs. Instead I get to share with you all of them! However, I will tell you to first start off with Aberdeen and Shake Me Down; those are my two very, very favorite ones!

UPDATE: Apparently not all of you have Spotify *insert sad face* which seriously people, if you have a computer & enjoy music even the tiniest bit, you must download it (it’s free!!!!) Anyways, if you don’t have it my new, super special playlist wont work for you so here is the YouTube video for Shake Me Down! Enjoy!

In My Mailbox (35)


IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a way for book bloggers to post what they have received for review, borrowed from a friend, bought at the bookstore, or picked up at the library!

This is going to seem like one EPIC mailbox because well, it has been an EPIC couple of weeks! First I’ll start off with review books, then books I bought, and finally all my BEA books!


The Waxing Moon by J. Lloyd Morgan


Major Crush by Jennifer Echols

Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott

Forever Summer by Alyson Noel

Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty

Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott

Between Here And Forever by Elizabeth Scott

Gimme A Call by Sarah Mlynowski

Not That Kind Of Girl by Siobhan Vivian

Tell Me A Secret by Holly Cupala

Love & Leftovers by Sarah Tregay (signed)

Blood Born by Jamie Manning (signed)

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick (signed)

Secret Society Girl by Diana Peterfreund (signed)

Under The Rose by Diana Peterfreund (signed)

Rites of Spring Break by Diana Peterfreund (signed)

Tap & Gown by Diana Peterfreund

When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle (signed)

Scarlet by A. C. Gaughen (signed)

Matched by Ally Condie (signed)


Awesome music from Bianca! I have been listening to them on repeat!

Slammed by Colleen Hoover- Thanks Momo @ Books Over Boys & Colleen! I have been so excited for this book.


The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer

Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready (signed)

Fathomless by Jackson Pearce (signed)

The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab (signed)

The Lost Code by Kevin Emerson (signed)

Goddess Interrupted by Aimee Carter (signed)

For Darkness Shows The Stars by Diana Peterfreund (signed)

Deity by Jennifer L. Armentrout (signed)

Crewel by Gennifer Albin (signed)

The Dog Lived (And So Will I) by Teresa Rhyne (signed)

Croak by Gina Damico (signed)

Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry (signed)

Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone (signed)

Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin (signed)

Burn For Burn by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian (signed)

Ferocity Summer by Alissa Grosso (signed)

Indelible by Lani Woodland (signed)

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (signed)

The Curiosities: A Collection Of Stories by Maggie Stiefvater, Tessa Gratton, and Brenna Yovanoff (signed)

Eternal Starling by Angela Corbett (signed)

Elemental by Emily White (signed)

Keep Holding On by Susane Colasanti (signed)

I’ll Go Home Then, It’s Warm And Has Chairs. The Unpublished E-mails by David Thorne (signed)

Pushing The Limits by Katie McGarry (signed)

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout (signed)

Gulliver Takes Manhattan by Justin Luke Zirilli

Magisterium by Jeff Hirsch

Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

There You’ll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones

The Diviners by Libba Bray

The Wrap Up List by Steven Arntson

Undead by Kirsty McKay

Son by Lois Lowry

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

Beta by Rachel Cohn

Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner

Kiss & Make Up by Katie D. Anderson

Skinny by Donna Cooner

Enticed by Jessica Shirvington

The Peculiar by Stefan Bachmann

Speechless by Hannah Harrington

Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

The Dark Unwinding by Sharon Cameron

Beautiful Lies by Jessica Warman

 The Demon Catchers of Milan by Kat Beyer

Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale

A Mutiny In Time by James Dashner

This Or That (3)

Cecilia @ Rather Barefoot Than Bookless

Hello readers, bloggers, authors, and generally awesome people and welcome to This Or That! This Or That is a weekly feature posted every Saturday and it works like this: each person is asked a series of This Or That/Would You Rather-type questions, some serious and some funny, and by doing so we get to learn just a bit more about our favorite bookish people!  This feature is currently scheduled through February 2013 but if you would still be interested in signing up, please check out THIS POST and fill out the form! Now let’s learn more about Cecilia!

So, who is that person with the sunglasses?

Well, that would be me. My name is Cecilia and I am a soon 28 years old teacher. I live in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, a small country in northern Europe. I have a little son who is the sunshine of my life and he is 1.5 years old. The hardest thing and the most wonderful thing I have done in my life were to give birth to my sunshine.

I am a blogger, who blogs about books with my sister Sandra. We have been blogging for a year now and we love it. It is so much fun to share your thoughts about something you love with so many other people who love the same thing you do!

I love to read, but I think you could guess that! I also like to do yoga and travel. Actually I like to do many things but I can´t list everything here!

Would you rather read outside in the sun or inside all snuggled up with a book?

I rather be inside when I read or in the shade because I find it hard to see the words properly in the sun.

Do you prefer audio books or reading the real thing?

The real thing! I can not concentrate on the story if someone else read it out load. No, I want to read it myself.

Do you like coffee or tea?

Coffee! I love tea but since the birth of my son I need coffee survive! When he was a baby, coffee was the only thing to keep me awake! And now I don´t feel human until I get my morning coffee! Yes you can get addicted! Oh my god! I have turned into my mother!!!!!

Its desert time, do you reach for the cupcake or the cookie?

CUPCAKES, and they need to be chocolate cupcakes! But I did eat a mango/cranberries cupcake a few weeks ago that was to die for!

What do you like more: books turned into movies or books turned into TV shows?

Well, that depends on the book. If it is a really complicated story and kind of many books in a series then I would say TV-show. And they do lasts longer too if you are lucky and they are not cancelled right away! I hate when that happens to a good show!

Cover talk: people on the cover or a design on the cover?

I think I like the ones with people if they are artistic. A good example is the dark divine series by Bree Despain and The fallen series by Lauren Kate.  I do not like the covers for vampire academy by Richelle Mead

Are you a person that sings along or dances along to music?

YES! If I´m alone.

Which do you like more: cowboys or rockstars?


Music talk: full-length albums or mixed CD’s?

Mixed CD´s because it´s not often I like more than one or two songs from an album so I rather do my own mixed CD´s.

Do you like to cook in or eat out?

I like to cook in mostly!

Day or night?

Day! I´m a day person and I wake up early in the mornings and go to bed early in the evenings.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I´m actually neither! I´m not an animal person, at least I don´t want to have animals in my home but they are cute in the nature or in someone else´s house, just not in mine.

I just had to ask: shoes or barefoot?


Do you like the laid-back country or the constantly buzzing city?

I´ve grown up in the city and have lived here all my life and always thought I would love to live somewhere smaller. So I chose a small town when I went to university but I didn’t like it as much as I thought. Nothing ever happens, there is no good shops and nowhere to find a really great cup of coffee! And everything is closed on Sundays!!! NO not my thing at all! I love the city, it can be crazy sometimes but it is so worth it!

Be honest: do you judge a book by its cover or do you read a book regardless of its cover?

Oh, I so judge the book by it´s cover! It´s important because it is the first thing you see. But I have read a lot of books with a bad cover since I started blogging and got review requests and the book can be awesome even if the cover is rubbish so I really shouldn’t judge the book by the cover.

On blogs do you like author interviews or character interviews?


Real or make believe?

Depends on my mood. Right now I would say….Real!

Boy talk: jocks or nerds?

Could I have a mix between the two? ^^

Where do you generally get your books from, the library or the bookstore?

I always buy my books online nowadays or the bookstore but I never goes to the library.

Would you rather have the fictional boyfriend or the fictional best friend?

The fictional best friend.

Are you a fan of vampires or werewolves?


Do you organize your books in alphabetical order by title or in alphabetical order by author?

Neither! I do sort my books by author, but not in alphabetical order. I sort my book by what author I like the most and by size and color of the covers! I want it to look good in my bookcase.

Are your books on bookshelves or random spots throughout the house?

Both! I have a really nice bookshelf but I also have books hidden away in other places, but the ones That you can´t see are books I´m not so fond of but I can´t get rid of books so I just stack them away in other places .

Do you like to loan your books out to friends and family or do you like to keep them to yourself?

I HAVE TO OWN THE BOOK IF I LIKE IT!!!! So yeah I can borrow, but if I like it I have to buy it in hard cover.

When reading a hardcover do your keep the dust jacket on or do you take it off?

I take it of so I won´t destroy it by accident.

Social hour: Facebook or Twitter?

Both but I prefer Facebook

Are you a fan of guardian angels or fallen angels?

Fallen Angels !!

Music or books?

For me music and books go hand in hand!

Which do you like more, winter or summer?

SUMMER, I hate the cold! And yes it is cold here most of the year….. Maybe I should move some warmer country??

Would you rather have a decent main character with an awesome set of supporting character or an awesome main character with a decent set of supporting characters?

I need to have an awesome main character!!

Thank you so much for having me on your blog Katelyn! This is such a fun feature!

Thank YOU so much Cecilia! I love the answers to all the questions, especially when you said music and books go hand in hand! Make sure you check out Cecilia’s blog! Her and her sister are awesome!

Life As Kate (20)

Remember that one time I promised you guys a full re-cap of BEA and then totally ran out of time to write it up? Yeah I know, it was only last week but for serious, CRAZINESS!

So Saturday, right after getting back from BEA, I had a full day of work. Basically this meant I couldn’t unpack, I couldn’t do laundry, and I sure as heck couldn’t sit and stare for hours at all my pretty books. It was really quite tragic.  Then on Sunday I had my baby sister’s graduation. Technically I can’t call her the baby since she is 1) not a baby and 2) not even the youngest in the family but STILL, she graduated from high school, the first of all my younger siblings and that news alone is huge my friends. The whole day was really kind of exhausting with getting ready, taking pictures, and sitting for hours and hours. The sitting part wasn’t all that bad but I was sandwiched in between my mother and grandma. Don’t get me wrong, I love them greatly but those two know how to talk! One would ask me a question, in the middle of me answering the other would interrupt and ask me something different. This went on for the whole graduation which lasted about 3 hours….seriously are you grasping what I am saying here? 3 full hours of non-stop chatter. Alas, the graduation was a success and I am so overly proud of my little sister.

Monday, Monday, Monday…I worked so I guess that was about it for that day. Nothing too special. Tuesday I worked but I also bought shoes which made the day 100% more enjoyable. With a sale like buy one get two for free, you just can’t go wrong! Also, I am a firm believer that there is no such thing as too many shoes.

Wednesday I had a day off, hurray! I spent the whole morning cleaning up our basement since my siblings apparently have no extremities that allow them to do things like walk, pick up things, and put them away. 20 loads of laundry and a bottle of disinfectant spray later, the basement was spotless and I was free to lay out by the pool, sort of! I got to listen to my brothers fight and every time I’d get settled on a raft in the middle of the pool my dad would ask me to help him with his little project. It was all a bit irritating but I survived. Wednesday night I went to a drive-in which was a ton of fun! I try to go at least once every year and it just so happened that I was free and they had two movies playing that I wanted to see, Snow White & The Huntsman and Battleship, both were fabulous!

Thursday was rough at work especially considering the fact that I was up until 3 the night before. Thank goodness I was let out a bit early. I went home, got a bit of sun by the pool, then I took my brothers to the carnival that’s in town. Now here’s the thing about this carnival, they come to town so all the little kids get excited but when you take the little kids to it, you find out they aren’t even tall enough to ride half the rides! Poor Zeke was too short for almost every ride there *insert sad face* Considering the fact that the boys were hyped out on sugar, there was lots of crying on Zeke’s end, Zack wasn’t too thrilled about not being able to play a game, and that I was called a mom, it was actually a pretty enjoyable time. My friend Stacey and I were able to get elephant ears and lemonades so it made the whole event a lot more fun.

Friday was another eventful day! In the morning and afternoon I had work which wasn’t too bad. A few people were super friendly and one even said I looked like Reese Witherspoon (this is something I do not agree with AT ALL but I take it as a compliment all the same.) After work I went to visit my grandma before my cousin’s dance recital. This consisted of me trying to nap and her asking me a question about Pinterest (one I’ve probably already answered 100 times) as soon as I’d drift off. After a fierce battle, I finally won out and was able to nap for a full 10 minutes without an interruption. Finally we went off to my cousin’s dance recital. Holy cuteness! The little girls all looked so adorable in their little outfits and their dances were just precious. We topped off the night with some ice cream and let’s face it people, ice cream makes the world go round.

Now that it’s Saturday I am doing my favorite pastime, WORK! Regardless of how exhausted I am after work I am forcing myself to put together a re-cap post of my time at BEA. You guys, it was far too awesome to not share about.

Well that’s it until next week! Have a great weekend everyone!


TGIF (52)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Most Valuable Book:

From your personal collection of books, which ones hold the most value to you – is it signed by the author? or maybe it’s your favorite story of all time? Share it with us.

I love, love, love this question and if 1) I wasn’t so lazy & unorganized and 2) my webcam wasn’t broken this would be the perfect time for a bookshelf tour (via vlog) in which I highlight my favorite books. But alas since both of the above points are indeed true, I’ll just have to stick with telling you all about my favorite/most valuable/uber special books!

Most Valuable (signed) Books:

There are 2 winners for this one, don’t judge! First and foremost we have Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols. This was the very first signed, personalized-just-for-me book I have ever gotten from an author before. It doesn’t hurt that I adore Jennifer’s writing hardcore. It turns out that one sibling spilled fruit punch on it and another sibling decided to use it as his coloring book but that does not take away its value at all. It is still so very special to me. We also have The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen! Thanks to the seriously fan-freaking-tastic blogger, Cari @ Cari’s Book Blog, I now own a few of my favorite books signed by my favorite author. If you know anything about me at all, you know I love Sarah Dessen’s books with every fiber of my being so when Cari offered to take my books, especially my favorite one (The Truth About Forever) to a S.D. signing I cried…literally.

Most Valuable (non-signed) Books:

There are also 2 winners for this one! The next two books are books that changed my life for the better. They made me think about the world around me, they made me laugh, cry ugly tears in which I ruined the last 30 or so pages of each book, and they made me fall deeply, madly in love with each and every character. What two books could possibly do this, you ask? Well none other than Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I know without a doubt that if someone comes to me for a recommendation that I could give them one or both of these stories and they will be touched by it. Truly amazing books!

Runner-Ups (signed) Books:

This is mostly a list of authors who have stolen my heart with their awesome signings. So of course I had to pick Blood Born by Jamie Manning. I mean come on, the guy wrote I was totally adorable in my book (aside from making me sound conceded, I also chose this one because Jamie is awesome)! Also, When You Were Mine Rebecca Serle. She wrote that I have a cute style…in my book! Can you tell I like compliments in my books? Let’s see here, I know there’s gotta be some more: my Ghost and the Goth series by Stacey Kade (LOVED IT!), all my books by Simone Elkeles (LOVE HER TOO!), my Nook cover signed by Meredith Zeitlin and Megan Bostic (I met them at a signing, had read both of their books, loved both of their books, didn’t have either of their books with me, so I settled for the next best option!), My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick was my family. Reading about the Garrett’s and all of their craziness, it just reminded me how lucky I am to have the huge, crazy, incredibly loving family that I do. Also, all of my Diana Peterfreund books (I introduced myself, told her I was half of the duo that reads her books every year on spring break, she knew exactly who I was, gave me a giant hug, and then signed my books as my “road-tripping friend”!!!!!!)

Runner-Ups (non-signed) Books:

These last books are ones that possess truly inspiring stories. On Little Wings by Regina Sioris is such a beautiful coming of age story. The setting is impeccable and the character growth will astound readers. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson left me in so many tears, some happy and some sad. This story touched me so deeply and I have a feeling it will do the same to many more readers!  Finally there is Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. This is the first chapter book I can really remember falling in love with. Even though my love of reading began long before this book, I owe a lot of my obsession to the far away place this book took me.

Tune In Tuesday (62)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Ginger @ GReads so you should head on over and link up! It is a great way to bounce from blog to blog and discover what others are listening to! I love music but there is so much out there that I haven’t heard of before. That being said, feel free to leave a link to your Tune-In Tuesday post!

The band I am featuring today is relatively new to me. Up until a few months ago, I could have sworn this band was a hardcore, screamo band. Note to self: Of Monsters And Men and Of Mice & Men are two completely different bands! Just so we are clear, I am talking about Of Monsters & Men today and not Of Mice & Men (which totally is a screamo band. Their music kind of scares me). Of Monsters And Men had a little song that kept popping up called Little Talks. The first few times I heard it, I couldn’t help but smile. When I finally made a playlist for them on Spotify I found that I seriously loved every single one of their songs. There was not a single one that I disliked and even though their first album is not even a year old, I am eagerly awaiting for more music from them! Take a listen to some of my favorites and let me know what you think!

Yellow Light by Of Monsters And Men

King And Lionheart by Of Monsters And Men

Love Love Love by Of Monsters And Men

Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men

Fun In The Sun Giveaway Hop!

Summer has officially begun so what better way to celebrate it than with a little giveaway! The Fun In the Sun Giveaway Hop is hosted by the lovely Ex Libris and Cari’s Book Blog and there are a ton of additional bloggers participating so you 1) get to “meet” lots of awesome bookish people and 2) you have higher chances of winning some awesome books!

There is no one I love reading more in the summertime than Sarah Dessen! Her books have the perfect amount of heartache and sweet, sweet romance to make your long summer days just a bit more blissful. So up for grabs today is two of my very favorite of her stories The Truth About Forever and Just Listen! Unfortunately I can only do U.S. residents this time around but never fear international readers, I tend to have a giveaway for you every now and then! So if you’d be interested in winning these two books check out the rules below:

-Must be a U.S. resident

Please comment on this post telling me what your favorite summertime reads are (I love recommendations!)

-Fill out the form by the end of the day on June 16th

+1 for following me on Twitter: @KatelynTorrey

+5 for Tweeting the following “I want to win summer reads from @KatelynTorrey for the Fun In The Sun Hop!”

-The winner MUST respond to an e-mail within the first 48 hours before a new winner is chosen!

Don’t forget to stop by Ex Libris and Cari’s Book Blog as well as all the below blogs to enter more giveaways!

This Or That (2)

Shanese @ The BoOki3

Hello readers, bloggers, authors, and generally awesome people and welcome to my very new feature, This or That! This is going to be a weekly feature, posted every Saturday in which we learn about all sorts of awesome bookish people. Each person will be asked a series of This or That/Would you rather type questions and we get to learn all about them! This is currently scheduled through February 2013 but if you would be interested in signing up, please check out THIS POST and fill out the form! Now let’s learn more about Shanese!

Hi! I’m Shanese. I’m 21 years old and I live in New York City. My passion is books. Reading is what makes sense to me. I love music, all kinds. The collection I have is so random that no one besides me seems to understand it. I like to write, I do it for fun but maybe one day it’ll be more.

Do you like reading e-books or physical copies of books?

Both! I used to be all about physicals but like other book lovers I’ve caved and now I read both. But no matter how convenient an e-book reader is my heart will always beat for the physical book.

If you HAD to choose would you pick music or books?

Wow! This is one hard, music is –well music, but I would have to go with books. Reading is amazing and honestly if you aren’t getting lost in an awesome book what are you doing with your life?

Are you a nook girl or a kindle girl?

I feel like I’m betraying Barnes and Noble by even saying this but I’m a Kindle girl, and what’s even worst is I have the Kindle Fire and I LOVE it! I feel like such a turncoat.

Would you rather read outside in the sun or inside all snuggled up with a book?

No brainer, inside! Being outside would be nice but I seriously don’t like grass and I can’t deal with bugs. When I’m reading I don’t like people who make noise. In my house I’ll close my door, play some random collection of music and get lost in a book.

Do you like your favorite books turned into movies or TV shows?

Honestly, neither. They never get it right. Things go missing or are changed. I understand not everything can be added but come on, if you’re going to turn a book into a show or a movie get it right. Once in while they get it right but more often than not I just get mad about how it was nothing like the book.

Would you rather have a fictional boyfriend or fictional best friend?

Would I seem desperate if I say boyfriend? Lol, no I have the most amazing best friend and I wouldn’t replace her with anyone else. But boyfriend yeah I totally pick that one, have you read some of the guys in books nowadays?

When marking the pages in your books do you use a bookmark or dog-ear your pages?

I’ve been told I’m a little OCD when it comes to my books. They have to look like I just brought them even after I’ve read them. I hate when books get bent, I barely even opened paperbacks when I read them. And I have a huge bookmark collection, I have this habit of buying a bookmark whenever I buy a book but I’m working on that.

Which do you prefer: female main character or male main character?

If you mean whose telling the story than I’ll go with male. Most books are told from a female point of view, which can make me feel like I’ve read that book before.

Death by Zombies or Demons?

Demon! All the way! A) I not into the whole zombie thing. B) Demons are way cool, there are all different types and they have different powers. It would be cool to be surprised, with a demon you wouldn’t know you were getting.

Let’s talk Stephanie Meyer: The Host or Twilight?

Ugh! If we have to. Twilight. But I’ve never read The Host so there’s that. I’m passed all the Twilight hype.

When it comes to your favorite authors do you fan-girl/guy over them or do you quietly sit back and stalk them (non-creepily of course!)?

I’m totally more the quiet stalker. Really non-creepy. When I’m alone that’s when I can be all fan-girl.

Do you prefer books that are laugh-out-loud funny or ones that put you into deep, intense thoughts?

It would really depend on what kind of mood I was in and on how good the book is. If my Bookies say “you HAVE to read this book” I’m reading the book, no matter what it’s about.

Would you rather have a decent main character with an AWESOME set of supporting characters or an AWESOME main character with a decent set of supporting characters?

Tough one but like in real life I’d rather have a set of awesome people around me. Where would be the fun in just one awesome person?

Which do you use more: Facebook or Twitter?

Facebook! The only reason I even go on Facebook anymore is because there is this book group filled with the most amazing people I’ve ever fortunate enough to know. Most of them have become really good friends of mine. And on Twitter we wouldn’t be able to have the greatest, most random, ADD type conversations ever. We start talking about one thing then suddenly talk about something else, we add another topic, the switch back to the first topic, yet no one ever gets lost.

Do you like your books to be a part of a series or stand alone?

This would depend on the book. We always want more if we fall in love with a book and its character but sometimes certain books are better left a stand alone. I love good series but I hate waiting for new books to come out.

Do you like it when your books keep one point of view or when they switch it up?

I do like when the point of view changes, you get to see things in different way and it helps you get a better understanding. Though I don’t like when we read from the point of view of the villain, only because I want to be surprised by whatever he/she is planning.

Would you want to be turned into a vampire or werewolf?

Werewolf! Always. I mean come on hello he turns into a freaking wolf. So cool. I love wolves.

Let’s talk fictional boyfriends: Do you prefer the sweet, nerdy, yet still really cute boys or the quiet, mysterious, slightly moody yet still really hot boys?

A bit of both, I mean there’s something about bad boys that makes a girl go a little crazy. But I have a soft spot in my heart for the more nerdy of guys. And I can’t deal with moody boys even the slightly ones, I’m moody so the two of us would never work out. Yet I’m still willing to give it a shot.

Where do you get your books from: the library or the bookstore?

Both really. I use the library more than anyone else I know yet I’m always buying books. You see a book that you thought sounded good but you wasn’t sure if you wanted to buy it? Me too, which is when I turn to my library. Also if I have a series in paperback and the new book is in hardcover I’ll get it from the library then when the paperback version comes out I’ll buy it. I hate when my books don’t match.

Do you prefer your swag to include bookmarks or buttons?

I love bookmarks and buttons look great on my shelves. But I would go with bookmarks you can never have too many of those.

Favorite genre: contemporary or paranormal?

I’m more of a paranormal girl but I still like contemporary books.

Would you rather be stranded alone on an island with endless amounts of books or surrounded by people with only one book?

An endless amount of books. I can actually go hours a day without talking to another living person. When I read a book I can tune everyone out.

Do you prefer full albums or mixed CD’s?

Mixed CD’s. Totally. I love listening to a mix of songs and different genres. I think there are only 2 albums where I can listen to the whole thing without changing a song. Those would be Fifty Cent’s Get Rich or Dir Tryin’ and T.I.’s King.

Would you rather listen to one band for all of eternity or listen to as many bands as possible but only for a week?

Would that mean that after a week I couldn’t listen to anything ever again? I’m not sure how to answer that question.

Kickin it old school: Did you listen to Nsync or The Backstreet Boys?

Wow. I listened to both but I wasn’t a hug fan of either. I was more into hip-hop growing up.

Would you rather go to a carnival or a circus?

Carnival. I’ve never really been to one and I been to the circus more times than I can count.

Pick one: VH1 or MTV?

Hmm. I’ll have to with MTV, but from years ago when it was all about the music.

When it comes to music are you one to dance along or sing along?

I do a little of both. Mostly I sing along but if a really good song comes on I’ll start dancing.

When it comes to sweets do you like chocolate or vanilla?

Don’t hate me but I don’t eat Chocolate so it would have to be vanilla by default.

Dessert time: cookies or cupcakes?

COOKIES!!!!!! Yum, Lemon Cookies make my mouth water. I totally want some now. Oh, and I like the oatmeal raisin cookies that come in the purple packaging.

So there’s the lovely Shanese for you guys! What did you think? Personally, I thought she was pretty awesome! I also loved the old MTV and lemon cookies are my favorite! And I am SO with you on the book boyfriend! Make sure you check out this lovely lady’s blog!

Life As Kate (19)

I have one word for you guys B. E. freaking A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so technically it is one acronym of three words with a semi-descriptive word thrown in the middle but you totally got the point I was trying to make there. I am finally home from the purely awesome madness that was Book Expo America and I have so much to show, tell, and share with you guys but unfortunately for you, today is not that day. I know, I know I am a total buzz-kill (I mean who starts off with an insane amount of exclamation points only to avoid telling you all about the reason behind the exclamation points?) Seeing as I’m still unpacking 4 different bags and my room looks like it was in a war between books & clothing and lost….miserably, I’ll have to keep this short, sweet, and to the point. My last week was spent on 4 different airplanes, in one cramped box that some people may or may not call a hotel room, being shoved among hundreds of other people, racing from one booth to another seeing who I could meet next and what great books I could be introduced to, meeting TONS of publishers, authors, and bloggers and making a goon of myself in front of 98% of them, eating way too much food, meeting the unbelievably awesome blogger Alexa, fan-girling (and causing a scene) over more than a handful of authors, and basically having the time of my life. BEA and New York in general was one trip I will never forget but let’s not get carried away here. I must remember I still have loads of things to do before I head off to work later on today. There will however be a post up sometime later this week with lots of pictures, bookish awesomeness, and quite a few more exclamation points!!!!!!!!


There were tons of pictures from BEA I could have shown you guys but seeing this little guy after being away for so long was the highlight of my week <3