Review Policy

Authors and publishers, I would be thrilled to review a book on my blog! Please look over my following review policies before contacting me!

– I currently read anything in the Young Adult and New Adult genre. I also happen to dabble a bit in Adult/Chick-Lit. Please, please, please keep in mind that this is NOT a Middle Grade, Non-Fiction, Children’s Lit, Self Help blog. A few of my favorite genres of Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult include but are not limited to: contemporary romance & drama, fantasy, dystopian, steam punk, historical fiction, paranormal, and science fiction.

-Any books that I receive will not be sold. They will all be added to my home library to be traded and borrowed among friends and family.

-Once a book is received, I will try my best to read and review it in a timely matter. However, please keep in mind that I am a college student dealing with school, a job, and various family activities; sometimes life does get in the way.

-If I find myself unable to finish a book due to a lack of interest or connection to the story or characters, I will not review the book. Instead I will simply send the book off to another reader/blogger whom may be more interested in it.

-I am honest and thoughtful for all of my reviews. I state reasons why I did or did not like a book. I never completely cut-down a book for any reason nor will I gush about a book that I truly did not love.

-This is now a NEGATIVE REVIEW FREE ZONE. What this means is that if I feel the book is less than three stars, I will not post a review on it. The purpose of my blog is to spread my love of books to those willing to read my blog posts. If I find that I did not like a book for any particular reason, there is no point in posting a review on it.

-As of right now all of my reviews are posted on my blog, Goodreads, Amazon, as well as links posted on Twitter and Facebook. It is up to the author/publisher to let me know if there are any additional sites in which you want the reviews posted.

-All reviews include a picture of the book, title, author, page numbers, my rating (3-5) stars, source from which I received the book, summary of the book from Goodreads or Amazon, and my general thoughts on the book. If there is anything else in which you would want included in the review such as publishing information, author websites, book trailers, etc., please let me know!

-I am accepting e-books on a case-by-case basis. I have found it difficult to finish e-books in a timely manner but I am working on that every day. If that is the only form your book comes in, please keep in mind it may take me a while to read and review your book.

-I happily accept review books from independent authors provided that the book follows the rest of my Review Policy guidelines!

-If you wish to use my reviews or a portion of my reviews in a post or on a website please contact me ahead of time. You must also quote and source my words properly.

-Please contact me if you are interested in doing any fun activities on my blog! I am open to doing anything along the lines of interviews, guest posts, giveaways, book playlists etc! I am very flexible with my blog schedule so I’m willing to work with whatever dates you may have in mind!

Thank you so much for considering my blog to do a review! You can contact me at:


Twitter: @KatelynTorrey

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