Blog Tour + Character Interview + Giveaway: Sirenz Back – In Fashion by Charlotte Bennardo & Natalie Zaman

Title: Sirenz: Back In Fashion (Sirenz #2)

Authors: Charlotte Bennardo & Natalie Zaman

Publisher: Flux

Even though I am still taking a minor break from the blog, I had to rejoin the blogosphere today for a very special blog post. You see, there are these two awesome authors, Charlotte and Natalie and they have this awesome series called Sirenz. In honor of the release of their second book, Sirenz Back In Fashion, the two of them planned this super awesome blog tour that I was lucky enough to be a part of! Today we go a little patriotic in honor of the 4th of July by chit-chatting with none other than Ben Franklin! Please give him a warm welcome and don’t forget to leave him a quick comment telling him what you thought!


In honor of the Fourth of July, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, current resident of the Underworld, and Hades’ concierge, has graciously consented to an interview (with Hades’ permission, of course.).

Char and Nat: You’re an inventor, writer, philosopher, scientist, and publisher. You were foreign minister to France, the first postmaster. You’re on the $100 bill, and, it’s rumored, quite the ladies man… You lived a long time, and are one of the most celebrated figures in history. Why on earth would YOU make a deal with Hades? What could you possibly want?

Ben: Well my dears, as I wrote in Poor Richard’s Almanac, ‘Genius without education is like silver in the mine.’ It doesn’t do you any good to have either silver in abundance if you don’t dig it up, or intellect if you don’t use it. We must always continue to learn, to use our intellect lest it be wasted. Hades offered me a thousand years to meet all the great men and women of human history. Where else can I play chess with Cleopatra, argue philosophy with Plato, and have Steve Jobs teach me to use an iPad?

Char and Nat: It seems a high price, selling your soul…

Ben: ‘Necessity never made a good bargain,’ I say. I didn’t have to make a deal, unlike the lovely Sharisse and Margaret. I chose to offer my services in exchange for a millennia of learning and companionship. *leans close and whispers* And all the wine and ale I could want.

Char and Nat: Still, you have to be you-know-where! Isn’t the Underworld a dark, hot vision of Hell?

Ben: *laughs* I suppose most people would think that, the same way they picture Hades as a frightful old man, like the specter of death. *wink* We all know Hades is quite attractive to the ladies. Irresistible, one might say, with the strange exception of his sirenz. I do so admire their resistance to temptation. Although, ‘the best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.’ That Oscar Wilde, such a way with words! But I digress—Tartarus can be quite lovely; beaches, mountains, lakes, oceans. Just beware the River Styx—don’t step in it—and his garden. It may look beautiful, but I can assure you, it’s deadly.

Char and Nat: Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met so far?

Ben: Can you choose which stars in the sky are brightest? I’ve had tea with Queen Victoria, danced with the goddess Arachne, gone pub hopping with Will Shakespeare, and sung with Michael Jackson. Just think of the fun I’ll have when a few more people get here. Who would you choose as the single greatest person in history?

Char and Nat: Ummm… They all went to Tartarus? Didn’t anyone go to heaven or…elsewhere?

Ben: They will eventually. Hades generously offers them a…stopover in Tartarus before they have to move onto their final destination. He likes to surround himself with interesting people. As I said way back in my day, ‘Opportunity is a great bawd.’ People will do almost anything when the right temptation comes along. Perhaps you’d be interested in arranging a meeting?

 Char and Nat: We’ll get back to you on that one, Ben!


And now take a look at the awesome prize pack that Char and Nat put together for one lucky follower of this blog tour! I must admit, I am quite jealous of whoever wins this. If you haven’t already, make sure you add Sirenz AND Sirenz Back In Fashion to your goodreads!

Blog Tour + Character Interview + Giveaway: The Soul Savers Series by Kristie Cook

Today my blog is part of a book tour for author Kristie Cook! In celebration of the release of the third book in her series, this 10 day blog tour has included interviews, surprises from a few characters, and giveaways! Now, a little bit about this series but most importantly Devotion, the third book:




With powerful abilities gained from the Ang’dora and Tristan back by her side, Alexis thinks she’s ready for the next challenge— protecting her son from what appears to be the inevitable. But she has so much to learn about her powers, her new world and the people in it. Nothing is what it seems to be on the surface, including the Amadis.

Power-hungry politicians comprise the council and make impossible demands. A traitor lurks among them all, inciting trouble that could destroy the Amadis and, ultimately, humanity. The Daemoni wreak havoc in the human world, with the ultimatum that they’ll continue attacking innocents until Alexis and Tristan are expelled from the Amadis’ protection. The couple’s own society begins to shut them out. But that’s not all.

Someone’s keeping a secret. A big one. Faith and hope in Alexis and Tristan will be restored if she can uncover the truth in time.

But the search for answers leads only to the discovery of more betrayals by those closest to Alexis. Her devotion is put to the test—devotion to her husband, to her family, to her people and to her beliefs—leaving her to question whom she’s fighting for and why she should even bother. But if she won’t fight . . . who will?

Secrets. Deception. Loyalties. Friendship. Enemies. All these topics and more are covered by a very wide range of characters throughout the blog tour and today is no different! I asked Vanessa a very important question, here’s her response!


Katelyn: As a villain, where do your biggest loyalties lie?

Vanessa: Do I really need to answer that? Well, I guess if you’re stupid enough to think my loyalties lie with Lucas or the Daemoni, I do have to answer it because you’re wrong. Oh, so wrong. I’m loyal to myself. No one else matters. If I don’t take care of myself…it’s not like anyone else will.

Wow! Spoken like a true villain! Now that we have gotten inside the head of Vanessa, even if it’s just a little bit, let’s move on to much happier topics like giveaways!


First we have the HUGE giveaway over on Kristie’s blog! Here are the rules for that giveaway:

Grand Prize – Nook Simple Touch (US only)

1st Prize — All 4 of my books signed (US only)

2nd Prize — Soul Savers Swag bag (US only)

International Prize — All 4 books as ebooks

Leave a comment on this tour post to be entered to win.

Each comment left throughout the tour will count as an entry.

Please include your email address and if you are international.

And now we have another giveaway on my blog! You have the chance to win an e-book of Devotion! All you have to do is leave a comment and fill out the form below by June 6th!

Thank you guys so much for stopping by! Make sure you check out Kristie’s website for more tour information as well as all of her special information below!


Kristie Cook is a lifelong writer in various genres, from marketing communications to fantasy fiction. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, traveling and riding on the back of a motorcycle. She has lived in ten states, but currently calls Southwest Florida home with her husband, three teenage sons, a beagle and a puggle. She can be found at

Find Kristie on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads!

Purchase Devotion on Amazon (paperback), Amazon (e-book), Barnes & Noble (paperback), Barnes & Noble (e-book)!