Book Blast + Giveaway: A Touch Menacing by Leah Clifford

It’s nearly time to say good-bye to Eden and her friends with the conclusion of the A Touch Trilogy from author Leah Clifford.

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Whether you’ve been there from the beginning when Eden first met Az in A TOUCH MORTAL. Spent countless hours contemplating with other A Touch Trilogy fans over the fate of the kitten, from A TOUCH MORBID. Or are just joining us now, the conclusion to Leah Clifford’s A Touch Trilogy promises to be heart stopping and well worth the wait!

Pick up whichever novel you need to catch up before MENACING’S March 5th release date. You don’t want to be the only one not talking about this book!

A Touch Menacing

Title: A Touch Menacing

Author: Leah Clifford

Release Date: March 5th

Eden is dying. For real, this time.

She is crumbling to ash, and an unnatural plague is ravaging mortals and immortals alike. With both Heaven and Hell out to destroy her, Eden can no longer tell the difference between good and evil.

Friends become enemies. And enemies are everywhere.

But don’t underestimate Eden. She’ll fight for her life, for the lives of those she loves, and for every life she has ever touched.

She’ll fight for revenge. For redemption. For—just maybe—the chance to be mortal again.

Everything began with forbidden love.

What will be sacrificed at the bitter end?

The dramatic conclusion to Leah Clifford’s dark, alluring trilogy of life, death, and epic love.



Pick Up The Whole Series!

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A TOUCH MORTAL (A Touch Trilogy #1) AMAZON | B&N

A TOUCH MORBID (A Touch Trilogy #2) AMAZON | B&N


Help us spread the word about the final installment of the A Touch Trilogy, and you could win one of these amazing prizes!

Grand Prize
30 Minute Skype Chat with Leah Clifford. Talk about writing, talk about THE KITTEN, talk about her books! Talk about almost anything!

2nd Place
Get’s to name a character in Leah’s next published book

2 Lucky Bonus Winners

Will get 1 Paperback of A TOUCH MORTAL and 1 Hardcover of A TOUCH MORBID signed to the winner!


– Open Internationally for the Skype Chat and Character Name

– Books Will Only be mailed in the US.

– Pre Order for A Touch Menacing can be from any date

– Order for Mortal or Morbid MUST be dated between 2/1 and 2/22

*we reserve the right to deny any receipt for entry if it appears to be altered or manipulated in any way.

To be entered to win one of these AWESOME prizes, click this link to enter the  Rafflecopter giveaway


Leah Clifford currently lives in Ohio, but frequently dreams of finding an abandoned mansion in the south that she can restore. In her spare time she loves to travel and has been known to drive over two hours to get kickass quesadillas. So far for jobs she’s sold corn at a roadside stand, been a pizza delivery girl, a camp counselor, an extreme cave tour guide, a flight attendant, a waitress (x3), a grocery store clerk and a writer. Out of all of them, writing has been the most fun. She’s pretty sure she’s gonna stick with it.




Check out the CafePress store dedicated to the series.


Just click to visit The Mortal Porta!

A Touch Menacing items coming soon!

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In My Mailbox (33)

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a way for book bloggers to post what they have received for review, borrowed from a friend, bought at the bookstore, or picked up at the library!

It has been far too long since my last IMM post! I tried to think of all the books that I got the past couple of weeks but if I forgot something, I apologize!

For Review:

On Little Wings by Regina Sirois (signed)

My Thoughts: This book was brilliant! I loved the journey the main character went on. Review coming soon!

Revealing Eden: Save The Pearls Part I by Victoria Foyt (signed)

My Thoughts: I am just now starting this one but the summary is definitely super interesting!


Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer (signed)

My Thoughts: Thank you SO MUCH to Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books for sending me this awesome surprise. I cannot wait to read more of this series!

A special thanks to C.A. Kunz for sending over a Childe Bookmark! It was so nice to get a hand-written, thoughtful letter!

 A special thanks to Michelle I. Brooks for sending over a Bone Dressing bookmark!


A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford (signed)

My Thoughts: I loved this first book so much! I had it for quite a while but took it to Leah’s book launch to get it signed!!!

A Touch Morbid by Leah Clifford (signed)

My Thoughts: I am so excited to see where this book takes Az, Eden, Gabe, and the whole gang!

Darker Still by Leanna Renee Hieber

My Thoughts: Lexcade has convinced me that I will love Leanna’s books and I trust her completely! I have been waiting a while for this one.

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

My Thoughts: So heart-breakingly beautiful! I love this book so, so, so, so, so much. There will never be enough words to explain all of its brilliance.

Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood

My Thoughts: Witches, sisters, first love, magic, really is there anything unappealing about this book? I think not.

So that is it for my mailbox this week! Leave a link in the comments section and I will be sure to check out yours as well!

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome Twitter Party!!!

You all are cordially invited to the A Touch Awesome Twitter Party!

In honor of the release of Leah Clifford’s second book, A Touch Morbid, Cate Peace and I are hosting a Twitter party. Now you may be thinking, “What is a Twitter party?” It is a fun way for a ton of us to get together (on Twitter) to talk about Leah’s series! We will talk about our favorite characters (the good, the funny, the crazy, and the evil!), our favorite moments, favorite quotes, and everything else we love about this series! In order to make this event extra special, Cate and I are also giving away some AWESOME prizes! Here is what is up for grabs:

3 random participants will receive a signed A Touch Mortal bookmark

2 runner-ups will receive a pre-order of A Touch Morbid

1 grand-prize winner will receive a $30 store credit from Leah’s Cafepress store, The Mortal Portal!

All you have to do to participate in the event and be eligible to win one of these AWESOME prizes is:

-Must be on Twitter at 8 pm. CST on February 21st

-Must use the hashtag #ATMParty

-Must talk about why you love the series (or if you haven’t quite read it yet, why you think you WILL love the series!)

Cate and I will be on Twitter throughout the whole event so please come join us and we’ll love you forever !

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome

Hello fellow bloggers and book lovers! Welcome to the fifth and final week of the A Touch Awesome Blog Tour hosted by myself and the lovely Cate Peace! We are so in love with Leah Clifford’s A Touch Mortal and we are so impatient to read the second book in the series A Touch Morbid that we decided to host a blog tour going straight up to the release date! Last week we went over our top 5 randoms from A Touch Mortal! I am hoping more will join in the last week of the tour!!! All you have to do is write up a blog post on this week’s topic which happens to be:

Your top 5 favorite moments from A Touch Mortal!

This post is basically going to be one giant mix of what all the past posts have been! My favorite moments from A Touch Mortal are so eclectic! Some are swoon-worthy, others are funny, and there are even a few Luke-powered moments that chill me to the bone but I love anyways!

My top 5 moments in no particular order:

 “Just because I don’t know how to work a toy doesn’t mean I don’t want it in my box. She’s shiny.”

This is right after Luke first meets Eden. The words themselves seem innocent enough but there is something about the way he says it that makes it so creepy! I remember thinking that this guys was SO bad news!

“Your eyes are blue, like the ocean.” She raised an eyebrow in annoyance, unable to believe he went with a line so pathetic. Slightly behind him, the other’s mouth cocked an apologetic half-smile. At least he knew his friend was an idiot. “I think I’m lost at sea,” lover boy continued, his voice sincere. A snort of laughter burst from somewhere between her throat and nose.

To me, this whole moment fits three of the main characters so perfectly. You get a sense of Eden’s hard edge (she snorts right in a guy’s face!), Az’s goofiness (who else has the guts to say something like “I’m lost at sea”?) and Gabe’s ability to be sweet and understanding(he smiles at Eden in a way that says “Sorry he’s an idiot but he’s also my best friend so I am not going to stop him”)!

“You’ve always been a terrible liar.” He pulled her into a tight hug. “Don’t be so stubborn! This is your excuse to call him. Use those feminine wiles to get back to what you need”-he cast a quick glance at the door and stepped away from her-“instead of luring in boys who will never measure up. I trust you, and I trust you’re smart enough to swallow your pride and do what’s best. They’ll protect you for now, but soon I’m afraid it won’t be enough.”

This moment is what convinced me that I would love Gabe for always and eternity! He is trying so hard to make Eden and Az both happy again and this attempt at reasoning with her shows just how much he cares.

Eden turned, ready to head down the darkened street when Kristen’s voice cut through the silence. “Hope’ is the thing with feathers–/That perches in the soul–/And sings the tune without the words–/And never stops–at all.”

This is the big moment. You know something epic (could be good, will most likely be bad) is about to happen. Kristen surprises us all with her act of kindness towards Eden but even more so with this poem. This exact poem at that exact moment could not be more perfect.

For this one I don’t have a quote but instead one short sentence: Gabe risks EVERYTHING for Az and Eden.

He is this beautiful, wonderful person always looking out for others and in the end he will give up anything and everything so these two can find happiness again. I cried like a baby!

Thanks for stopping by, and if you haven’t already, add A Touch Mortal and A Touch Morbid on Goodreads! While you’re at it, stop by Cate’s Post to read her top five moments! If you have been following this blog tour, THANK YOU! Cate and I have had a blast putting it together for all of you! I have some pretty awesome A Touch Mortal themed posts all week also Cate & I will have a HHHHHUUUGGGGEEE announcement that may or may not include information about a giveaway so be sure to keep coming back! Don’t forget to check out Leah’s blog (and just so you guys know, she is giving away a super awesome gift for every pre-order of A Touch Morbid!)

If you plan on joining the tour this week, then link up below!

TGIF (38)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Book Blogger Pride:

What do you take pride in when it comes to blogging?

What an awesome question that honestly couldn’t have come at a better time! I take this question two separate ways. First, what I take pride in for being apart of the book blogging community as a whole and second, what I take pride in when it comes to my own blog.

I absolutely ADORE the book blogging community. It is through my blog, twitter, and goodreads that I have found some of my closest friends (so what if we haven’t met in person, bookish people still rock my world hardcore!). People in the book blogging community help me through blogging and life issues on an hourly basis, they make me laugh ALL the time, they understand the freak-outs I may have over certain release dates for books, they are the first people to sacrifice their time to help me out no matter what is going on, they are the ones that offer up their own copies of books when I am in need of it ASAP, they are just there for me! Almost every blogger I have had to encounter in the nearly 2 years that I have been going at this, has been kind beyond belief and they continue to astound me with how incredibly generous and loving they can be. Just saying that I am a part of this close-knit community, I’m included in this group of awesome people who help spread the love of books all over the world is something that I take a great deal of pride in!

When it comes to my own blogging experience, the thing I take the most pride in, is just doing it! There was no better feeling than my dad and stepmom cornering me a few months ago to say that they have finally read my blog. They were so proud of what I have been doing that they cried. I may not be the most consistent reviewer. I don’t read the most books, I don’t write the most reviews, heck I don’t even write the best of reviews but I do it anyways. Why? Because I love it. It is something that is mine, something that makes me happy, it makes me feel accomplished and a part of something epic. I take pride in my own blog because even if it is read by a handful of people and my review only convinces one person out there to read a book, that is still one more person that is being touched by the pure joy that books can bring us. That is definitely something to be proud of.

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (2/10-2/17):

TGIF (37) My favorite love stories!

A Touch Awesome Blog Tour: Week Four. My top A Touch Mortal inspired songs!

In My Mailbox (32)

Anew by Chelsea Fine + Giveaway! This book has a BRILLIANT love triangle!

Tune In Tuesday (47) My favorite love songs!

Guest post on The Book Barbies: My dream date!

Awkward by Marni Bates. A laugh out loud, brilliant book for all nerds out there!

Welcome To The Book Blogger Love-A-Thon!!!!

Blog Tour + Book Playlist: A Touch Awesome

Hello fellow bloggers and book lovers! Welcome to the fourth week of the A Touch Awesome Blog Tour hosted by myself and the lovely Cate Peace! We are so in love with Leah Clifford’s A Touch Mortal and we are so impatient to read the second book in the series A Touch Morbid that we decided to host a blog tour going straight up to the release date! Last week we went over our top 5 favorite characters from A Touch Mortal! I am hoping more will join in the last two weeks of the tour!!! All you have to do is write up a blog post on each topic for the corresponding week and link up! It is that easy! The schedule for the tour is:

Week 1 (1/21-1/27): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite quotes from A Touch Mortal.

Week 2 (1/28-2/3): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite swoon-worthy moments from A Touch Mortal.

Week 3 (2/4-2/10): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite characters from A Touch Mortal.

Week 4 (2/11-2/17): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite ANYTHING. This is a free week to post your top 5 favorite randoms from A Touch Mortal.

Week 5 (2/18-2/24): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite moments from A Touch Mortal.

Even though I am the one who came up with the topics to post on, I still found myself in a major panic because I had NO idea what random things I could post. Then it dawned on me…MUSIC! I hear songs all the time that remind me of stories, songs are sometimes even mentioned in books, and of course authors all have their very own playlists to help them get in the writing mood. The list is 1) not my top 5 because I like to cheat 2) and it is a mix of songs that I picked and songs that I found by practically stalking Leah. Not to sound all creepy, but dang, a playlist for A Touch Mortal is hard to come across!

Now on to the top songs that remind me of A Touch Mortal!

Just Can’t Get Enough by Claslan

Okay, technically the song doesn’t really remind me of A Touch Mortal BUT Leah talks all the time about how he is Az’s twin! He is very Az-like indeed!

All Around Me by Flyleaf

This song is so incredibly beautiful and haunting, much like the story itself!

The End by The Doors

You can’t go wrong with The Doors but the main reason for me picking one of their songs is because THAT IS LUKE!

Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab

From the very first 50 pages of A Touch Mortal, this song popped into my head.

Destroy Everything You Touch by Ladytron

This was one of Leah’s playlist picks (remember when I mention the brief stalking stunt in which I googled endlessly for her playlist…) well this one was on it!

Falling by The Civil Wars

This song is the book to me. The Civil Wars convey such emotion through their songs. Plus “Falling” and “Falling in love” and “Fallen angel” kind of all go hand in hand.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you haven’t already, add A Touch Mortal and A Touch Morbid on Goodreads! While you’re at it, stop by Cate’s Post to read her Top 5 randoms! Also, be sure to check out Leah’s blog (and just so you guys know, she is giving away a super awesome gift for every pre-order of A Touch Morbid!)

If you plan on joining the tour this week, then link up below!

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome

Hello fellow bloggers and book lovers! Welcome to the third week of the A Touch Awesome Blog Tour hosted by myself and the lovely Cate Peace! We are so in love with Leah Clifford’s A Touch Mortal and we are so impatient to read the second book in the series A Touch Morbid that we decided to host a blog tour going straight up to the release date! Last week we went over our top 5 favorite swoon-worthy moments from A Touch Mortal! I am hoping more will like to join in this week and any of the other weeks left of the tour!!! All you have to do is write up a blog post on each topic for the corresponding week and link up! It is that easy! The schedule for the tour is:

Week 1 (1/21-1/27): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite quotes from A Touch Mortal.

Week 2 (1/28-2/3): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite swoon-worthy moments from A Touch Mortal.

Week 3 (2/4-2/10): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite characters from A Touch Mortal.

Week 4 (2/11-2/17): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite ANYTHING. This is a free week to post your top 5 favorite randoms from A Touch Mortal.

Week 5 (2/18-2/24): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite moments from A Touch Mortal.

Now on to my top 5 favorite characters!

5. Kristen/Jarrod- Yes I am allowing myself to cheat here! I just couldn’t pick which one I liked best so I decided to group them together. Kristen is…odd. She is frazzled, likes strange things and isn’t exactly the nicest but underneath that weird exterior, she fights for those that she loves. Jarrod is similar in a lot of ways. He is sometimes loud, over-opinionated, bossy, and just flat-out annoying but when he cares about you, you will know it!

4. Adam- How can you not like Adam in this book? He is there for Eden when she needs him most and most importantly he doesn’t try to force her into a relationship. He is an excellent friend for the most part and that really showed throughout the whole story.

3. Az- We really don’t get to see a whole lot from this character but he is pretty dang important. The parts I did see of Az either had me laughing or swooning. He is just a great, funny character and I can understand why Eden falls for him.

2. Eden- Eden is a very different lead character than what I encounter while reading books. There is just something very different about her. Sure she is a hero, she likes to help everyone around her regardless of the consequences, she is self-sacrificing, and yeah, she may save the day on many occasions but she also has a dark side. Almost like an aurora of sadness around her. It is hard to explain so I guess I will need you to trust me, she is a very different and EXTREMELY interesting character.

1. Gabe- Oh. My. Gabe. I love this guy like no other. He is full of compassion and love for those around him. He wears his heart on his sleeve and does ANYTHING for his loved ones. I love his humor, sensitivity, loyalness, basically his EVERYTHING. He is such an amazing character!

Thanks for stopping by, and if you haven’t already, add A Touch Mortal and A Touch Morbid on Goodreads! While you’re at it, stop by Cate’s Post to read her Top 5 favorite characters! Also, be sure to check out Leah’s blog (and just so you guys know, she is giving away a super awesome gift for every pre-order of A Touch Morbid!)

If you plan on joining the tour this week, then link up below!

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome

Hello fellow bloggers and book lovers! Welcome to the second week of the A Touch Awesome Blog Tour hosted by myself and the lovely Cate Peace! We are so in love with Leah Clifford’s A Touch Mortal and we are so impatient to read the second book in the series A Touch Morbid that we decided to host a blog tour going straight up to the release date! Last week we went over our top 5 favorite quotes from A Touch Mortal! We didn’t have anyone else participate in it last week, which is okay, I totally understand that things get in the way BUT I am hoping more will like to join in this week and any of the other weeks. All you have to do is write up a blog post on each topic for the corresponding week and link up! It is that easy! The schedule for the tour is:

Week 1 (1/21-1/27): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite quotes from A Touch Mortal.

Week 2 (1/28-2/3): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite swoon-worthy moments from A Touch Mortal.

Week 3 (2/4-2/10): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite characters from A Touch Mortal.

Week 4 (2/11-2/17): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite ANYTHING. This is a free week to post your top 5 favorite randoms from A Touch Mortal.

Week 5 (2/18-2/24): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite moments from A Touch Mortal.

And now what you have all been waiting for, those top 5 melt my heart and make my knees tremble type of moments aka as TOP 5 SWOON-WORTHY MOMENTS!!!

“Your eyes are blue, like the ocean.” She raised an eyebrow in annoyance, unable to believe he went with a line so pathetic. Slightly behind him, the other’s mouth cocked and apologetic half-smile. At least he knew his friend was an idiot. “I think I’m lost at sea,” lover boy continued, his voice sincere. A snort of laughter burst from somewhere between her throat and nose.

-Yes, I do consider a line that cheesy so completely swoon-worthy. Az is funny, a little over-confident, and totally knows how to make a girl smile. Those first words that he spoke to Eden may have been totally lame but they were enough to make me swoon.

She turned to Adam. He slid a hand around the back of her neck and pulled her close in a sudden rush. The kiss lasted a second too long, the static thrumming through her as the throbbing from the turntables climbed to a crescendo. In the glow of the swirling reds and purples of the lights, Adam didn’t blink, didn’t leave her. A steady single pulse matched the sound of her heart as the DJ spun another record.

-I did not think it was possible to have SO MANY swoon-worthy guys in one book. I generally find the guy pinning after the clearly taken girl in books SO ANNOYING but that is SO NOT the case with Adam. He has a special little something.

“Hold your breath. I’m going to kiss you,” he whispered. Her breath did stall, frozen in her throat as his lips found hers in the darkness. Her lips tingled as a bit of her Touch passed to him. Then he moved to her cheek, back down her neck, and away from the danger her mouth held. “Adam. Please.” She tried to say it without emotion, but it didn’t come out as a thwart. It came out as a plea to keep going. “Try to say it now,” he said, his lips at her ear. “Tell me there’s nothing here.”

-I TOLD you that Adam had it going on. I may love Az like no other and Eden is so clearly held up on him but Adam is a close second. It was moments like these that literally made me go weak in the knees.

“You come here, after everything that’s happened and…I’ve spent the last months trying to get over you!” Eden stopped, starting over. “What right do you have to do this to me?” Az looked up in surprise. “every right.” He lowered his voice until she had to close her eyes and concentrate to make out the words. His hands rose to her shoulders. “I’m gonna fix it. I don’t care how long it takes. We’ll figure it out, okay?”

-FINALLY Az is coming back around! This moment between them changed a whole lot. Changed things between Adam and Eden, Az and Eden, heck, it changed things for the whole dang group! Az is brave to try again after the things he has done but this shows just how much he cares about Eden. He’ll stop at nothing to make it right.

“He Fell,” she said. Eden watched as Gabe ran a hand across Kristen’s forehead, smoothing away her brown hair. She’d never seen anyone touch Kristen. Not like that.

-Gabe may be batting for a completely different team but he still has his totally amazing swoon-worthy moments and this one is the PERFECT example. Gabe has so much compassion and he is just so caring for those that he loves.

So there you have it, my top 5 favorite swoon-worthy moments but keep in mind, this WHOLE book is full of them.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you haven’t already, add A Touch Mortal and A Touch Morbid on Goodreads! While you’re at it, stop by Cate’s Post to read her Top 5 favorite quotes! Also, be sure to check out Leah’s blog (and just so you guys know, she is giving away a super awesome gift for every pre-order of A Touch Morbid!)

If you plan on joining the tour this week, then link up below!

Blog Tour: A Touch Awesome


I can’t believe this is the first week of the A Touch Awesome Blog Tour! I’m so excited to finally kick off this month-long A Touch Mortal love fest! For those of you who may not know, this is a five-week blog tour being hosted by myself and Cate Peace! Every week we pose a new topic for book bloggers to answer! They list their top 5 favorites and link back on our blogs. It is awesome, fun, super easy, and you know what the best part is? Anyone can join in at any time! All of this is to drum up an interest for the release of Leah Clifford’s  second book in the series, A Touch Morbid! I am literally itching with excitement to read this book and it is my goal that this blog tour will do the same for you. The schedule for the blog tour is:

Week 1 (1/21-1/27): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite quotes from A Touch Mortal.

Week 2 (1/28-2/3): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite swoon-worthy moments from A Touch Mortal.

Week 3 (2/4-2/10): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite characters from A Touch Mortal.

Week 4 (2/11-2/17): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite ANYTHING. This is a free week to post your top 5 favorite randoms from A Touch Mortal.

Week 5 (2/18-2/24): Anytime during the week make a post about your top 5 favorite moments from A Touch Mortal.

So that means that this week’s topic is: Top 5 Favorite Quotes!

I tried with this book guys, I really did! I am usually not one to note my favorite scenes/quotes/etc. but I knew this month was coming up so I marked all my favorite quotes. My top 5 in no particular order are:

“Her eyes flicked away. ‘Because I love you,’ she said. She swallowed hard. It was the first time she’d been so blatant. The same quicksilver happiness coated his insides, whisking away the dark thought, ut his smile was because of her alone.”

This one makes me love Eden and Az so incredibly much! It’s the first moment that shows Eden’s soft side, and Az…well it’s Az!

“No way am I claiming that one. New guy. He’s taking over the opening shift on Monday and Thursday. I trained him so he knows the routine. Told him you were VIP…that Carol-Anne chick’s dark, twisty sister.” He grinned at Eden’s confusion. “Theeeeyyy’re hhheeeeeeere.” She groaned, trying to kill her smile. “Poltergeist!” Zach laughed. “Come on, that’s classic.”

I have no idea if Zach is going to play any role in the upcoming books or if he was just good for this one exchange but I am so glad it was included in the book. It was so funny and it caught me so off guard. I laughed for a good 5 minutes.

“You’ve always been a terrible liar.” He pulled her into a tight hug. “Don’t be so stubborn! This is your excuse to call him. Use those feminine wiles to get back to what you need”-he cast a quick glance at the door and stepped away from her-“instead of luring in boys who will never measure up. I trust you, and I trust you’re smart enough to swallow your pride and do what’s best. They’ll protect you for now, but soon I’m afraid it won’t be enough.”

Oh my gosh! There goes Gabe being all awesome, funny, sarcastic, intelligent, understanding, yet so manipulative!

“Yesterday…maybe even last night, I would have gone all apologetic. You could have played the jaded card for however long it took me to win you back. But not anymore.” His voice was controlled; each word thought out and delivered for maximum impact. Clearly she hadn’t been the only one plotting this moment. “You don’t love him,” he said quietly. “You know that, right? He’s a replacement, Eden.” He almost managed to hide the quaver in his voice.

My heart melted at this point in the book. I wanted so bad for things to be okay between Eden and Az. I wanted all of the pain they caused each other to go away and this moment just proved that Az wanted the same thing too.

And for the last quote, I actually have two! I think Eden’s sarcasm is just so freaking hilarious and these next two show it off perfectly!

“Just wanted to make sure the number wasn’t a fake,” Az said.
She couldn’t help her bitter laugh. “Well, you can go ahead and erase it. A bit of advice? Either kiss a girl or don’t. Never stop halfway through.”

“Yeah, go ahead and get the forbidden garden comment out of your system. And no matter what witty snake joke you’re considering? Trust me, I’ve heard it.”

So what did you guys think? Does this book sound awesome or what?!? If you guys want to join in on the blog tour, check out our sign-up post, come up with your post for the week and link up. It is that simple!

Thanks for stopping by, and if you haven’t already, add A Touch Mortal and A Touch Morbid on Goodreads! While you’re at it, stop by Cate’s Post to read her Top 5 favorite quotes! Also, be sure to check out Leah’s blog (and just so you guys know, she is giving away a super awesome gift for every pre-order of A Touch Morbid!)

If you are participating in the blog tour for this week, link your post below!

In My Mailbox (29)

IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is a way for book bloggers to post what they have received for review, borrowed from a friend, bought at the bookstore, or picked up at the library!

The last IMM I posted was all the way back in November! Yeah, it is safe to say the holidays definitely got in the way but I am hoping to keep up with the weekly IMMs from now on. Since I missed almost two full months, this IMM is going to be a lot of craziness! Let’s take a look at what I got!!!

For Review:

Unbreakable Love by Angela Carling

Loving Emily by Anne Pfeffer

Dark Days by C.A. Kunz

Trade Secrets by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout (e-book)

The Knife and the Butterfly by Ashley Hope Perez (e-book)

Settling by Shelley Workinger (e-book)



Don’t Expect Magic by Kathy McCullough

Winter’s Kiss: The Ex Games by Jennifer Echols and The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Catherine Hapka

Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins

The DUFF by Kody Keplinger

Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

Queen of the Dead by Stacey Kade

The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May & June by Robin Benway

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

Switched by Amanda Hocking

A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford

Hush Money by Susan Bischoff (e-book)

Impulse Control by Susan Bischoff (e-book)

Indigo Blues by Danielle Joseph (e-book)

Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey (e-book)

Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner (e-book)

My Thoughts: I got some great deals over some awesome books the past couple months however I am now on a book buying ban! There are just too many things I am saving up for plus I now have enough books to last me a lifetime!


Dashboard Confessional


Thriving Ivory

Ryan Adams

Fitz and the Tantrums

Foster The People

The Summer Set

My Thoughts: Can you tell that I ran into some deals at the CD store? All of their used CDs were super cheap plus if you bought 3, you got the 4th one free!


From Alexa @ AlexaLovesBooks

Moonglass by Jessi Kirby

The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

Chocolates & a card!

My Thoughts: Alexa is one freaking awesome book blogger (and not just because she sent me a super sweet gift!) She never fails to make my days brighter and the day I got this lovely package in the mail was no different. My brother managed to eat both chocolate bars she sent me but I am sure they were delicious! The card was so dang sweet and I cannot wait to read these books!

From Laci @ LovePassionBooks

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Fever by Lauren DeStefano

A Taylor Swift card!

My Thoughts: Laci completely surprised me for my birthday! She saw it was my birthday on Twitter and offered to send me two books. I was stunned and so thankful when I got these two in the mail. Plus, she just knows me so well, she got a TAYLOR SWIFT birthday card!!! This made me smile big time :)

From Cyndi @ Dog-Eared and Bookmarked

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Twilight Saga journal set

A Winter Song CD

Water For Elephants Soundtrack

A Christmas Song CD

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Soundtrack

A hand-made scarf & a card!!!

My Thoughts: Cyndi is so full of amazing, I wish I could just hug her! She had been teasing me on Twitter for FOREVER about the gift she was sending me and when it finally got here I cried. Seriously. She was so extremely generous and thoughtful with her gift, it totally made my day!

From Jamie Manning @ Writers Write, Right?

A singed Eternal Starling bookmark from Angela Corbett

My Thoughts: I am not entirely sure how I got this or even why, but hey it is a gorgeous, signed bookmark; I am NOT complaining!

From my Dad and Stepmom:


A New Bookshelf

Babe in Boyland by Jody Gehrman

Ten Things We Did (And Probably Shouldn’t Have) by Sarah Mlynowski

New stationary so I can write letters to all of my blogging friends!


Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

Tenth Avenue North

The Fray

The Cab

My Thoughts: I love my dad and stepmom so much! They spoiled me on my birthday and Christmas and I couldn’t be happier :)

From my Mom:

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

My Thoughts: It may have taken a while to convince my mom that it was actually okay to buy me books for Christmas but once she finally understood, she made an excellent decision! I can’t wait to continue on with this series.

From my Grandma:


Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

$25 gift card to Barnes & Noble

My Thoughts: My grandma also did good with the book choice this year! I haven’t read the first of The Infernal Devices but when I do, I now have the second to immediately follow-up with!


Plain White T’s

The All-American Rejects

My Thoughts: Last time I asked for an All-American Rejects CD from my grandma, she got me an Alter Bridge CD. They are COMPLETELY different! I was so happy she could find the right ones this time around!

From my Aunts & Uncles:

Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens

Bookmark pens

The Nook!

My Thoughts: I am thrilled I got an awesome book and bookmarks but I am even more thrilled that I now have my very own Nook! I was very adamant that I would hate an e-reader, but I now love having one! Go figure!

So that’s a ton of great books that I got the past couple of months! Since it is going to take a lot of time to read those, I am officially putting myself under a book buying ban. It should be interesting to say the least. Don’t forget to leave a link to your IMM post in the comment section and I will be sure to check it out!