TGIF (56)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Choose Your Next Read:

How do you go about choosing what you read next? Do you have a schedule you follow, or do you read whatever makes you happy at the moment?

Picking what I’m going to read next can be a very tough process. To help my problem just a little bit I have my bedside bookshelf. On this shelf I have my nook, all of my review books, all of my BEA books, and the occasional book I am just DYING to read. First and foremost I try to get any review books that have a deadline out-of-the-way first. If I am reading it for a blog tour or if the author is requesting that it be finished by a certain date then I try really hard to get it done.

When it comes to all others I know it is technically supposed to be review books first. So if I feel like following the rules then I read two at a time: the real copy of a review book that I got first and an e-book. Some nights I feel like reading from my nook and other nights I can read the book.

However, as many of you may know, I am a bit of a rule breaker. Every now and then (or quite often if I am being honest) I pick whatever is sounding good at the moment. Just last week I was in the middle of reading a review book when Easy by Tammara Webber showed up on my doorstep (darn you Barnes & Noble and your free, speedy shipping!). I stopped everything I was doing to read that book. This happens ALL the time to me. I will get a bookish craving for a certain type book and I just can’t help but read it!

This is going to be the last TGIF post for a while :( I am going to miss this feature bunches but I hope to see all of your posts when it returns!

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (8/24-8/31):

TGIF (55)

In My Mailbox (38)

Tune In Tuesday (67)

Shift by Raine Thomas + Launch Tour + Book Playlist

The Modified by C.A. Kunz + Cover Reveal + Giveaway




TGIF (55)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Back to School Reading:

Which books would you like to see in today’s high school Literature classrooms?

I owe my re-love of reading to my Young Adult Lit class. It is that little fact that really makes me think that if more teachers went above and beyond the required reading material, then maybe there would be more teen readers out there today. What if teachers were to push certain books onto you because they knew you could relate to certain characters? What if they got reluctant readers to enjoy reading because of a well matched book recommendation? Mrs. Andersen, my YA Lit teacher had an AMAZING classroom library on top of an awesome required reading list (After interrogating her yesterday I found out some of her required reading this year and it includes The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, The Pull of Gravity by Gae Polisner, and Looking For Alaska by John Green just to name a few). Add these great books and our daily discussions about the latest Y.A. books that were rocking her socks off and you have one incredible combination. There was so much love for YA books in that class and I just know that so many others learned to love books as well. However, I know not everyone has the option to take a Young Adult Lit class during high school. And even more than that, the amount of books their teachers are able to provide for them may be limited. A few books that I wish so badly would be in more classrooms would be:

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (8/17-8/24):

TGIF (54)

Life As Kate (22)

In My Mailbox (37)

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

Tune In Tuesday (66)

Book Playlist: Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour




TGIF (54)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Pimp Your Review:

Feature a favorite book review you’ve written in the past that you feel deserves more love!

I’m going to be a spotlight hog for a hot second because you all know for a fact that when asked to pick one, I tend to pick a lot more than one. Today I have a few book reviews that I absolutely loved…okay maybe it wasn’t exactly the book reviews that I loved but I adored these three books so very much. And I think they are so freaking adorable. And I think you should read them. And I think that if you read them you will love them too…

Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters by Meredith Zeitlin

-This was a totally adorable book that reminded me of all those hilarious, unsure, awkward moments in high school.

Awkward by Marni Bates

-This book made me laugh out loud throughout the entire thing. Awkward is my middle name so loving this book just came natural to me.

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen

-I feel like this book does not get the love that it should. There was a great underlying story underneath some more adorableness. Definitely a great book!

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (8/10-8/17):

TGIF (53)

Life As Kate (21)

In My Mailbox (36)

Tune In Tuesday (65)

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands Turns 2!!!! + Giveaway

TGIF (53)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Unexpected Books:

Which books did you have reservations about reading, but ended up loving once you did?

It feels so good to be back and doing these TGIF posts again AND on such a good week since I totally love this question! Before I list things off here, let me be completely honest about something: I am totally SHOCKABLE. I am not even kidding here. I can have certain exceptions for books, I can predict that I am going to like/dislike certain books but 9 times out of 10 I am getting shocked good or bad. With that being said, here’s a list of book that shocked me the most:

Any Other Night by Anne Pfeffer

When I first accepted this book for review, I thought I was going to enjoy it. I mean it sounded interesting enough. I did not anticipate falling in love with it. The storyline and characters were so much more than I could have expected.

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

One of the best books I’ve read so far this year! I don’t want to say I thought it was going to be boring exactly but I mean come on, it’s about poetry! I hate poetry! Some of the major points in this book caught me completely off guard and it is most certainly safe to say I was also shocked to see how much I fell in love with the poetry this book introduced me to!

On Little Wings by Regina Sirois

The summary of this book makes it seem nice, the cover is pretty, it seemed like a nice simple read. But as it turns out, I enjoyed it times 1000 because it was not nice and simple! The writing was truly beautiful and the family/life issues dealt with in this book were so relatable. It was one of those books I did not expect to fall in love with but in the end I am so glad that I did!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Holy wow! I just finished this one the other day and I was blown away! I hadn’t heard much about this book so I really went into it blind. I did not expect the world to be so fascinating, the characters to be so interesting, and Sarah’s storytelling to be so impeccable. It has been a good while since I’ve been so totally enraptured with a fictional world.

Size 12 Is Not Fat by Meg Cabot

This is the first real “adult” book that I have read and I must say, I have so been missing out! After meeting Meg, I assumed that her books would be funny and charming. And I was right of course but this series has been so addicting and I did not expect that! It is charming, and it is funny but it is also mysterious, full of quirky characters, and there is also romance. If every adult book was like this I would most certainly be re-thinking this whole YA thing (kidding….sort of!)

Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is the scariest cover ever! I wanted to basically punch my best friend for suggesting we read this for book club because Katelyn + scary DO NOT MIX…AT ALL. However, what I found within the pages of this book was a super fascinating story and an author’s extreme talent of turning old, creepy pictures into a story that made sense and was supremely enjoyable!

Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

Ask me what my favorite book is and it will likely not be this one (I mean come on, Sarah Dessen…DUH!). But ask me for a book recommendation and I will always, always, always suggest this book. I really picked this up on a whim at the store. I never heard anyone really gushing about it but I liked the pretty colors on the cover. Holy-freaking-bejezus! There is music, there is the most interesting main character EVER, and there is just so much goodness filled throughout the pages of this book. Maybe it’s because of the little-to-no expectation I had for this book or maybe it’s just that it’s that good (the more likely option) but this was definitely the most shocking (in a good way) books I’ve ever read.

This week on Kate’s Tales Of Books And Bands (8/3-8/10):

I’m Back (Hurray!!!!!!)

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

Tune In Tuesday (64)

It’s Almost Party Time! Please stop by and help me get ready for a blog birthday!




TGIF (52)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Most Valuable Book:

From your personal collection of books, which ones hold the most value to you – is it signed by the author? or maybe it’s your favorite story of all time? Share it with us.

I love, love, love this question and if 1) I wasn’t so lazy & unorganized and 2) my webcam wasn’t broken this would be the perfect time for a bookshelf tour (via vlog) in which I highlight my favorite books. But alas since both of the above points are indeed true, I’ll just have to stick with telling you all about my favorite/most valuable/uber special books!

Most Valuable (signed) Books:

There are 2 winners for this one, don’t judge! First and foremost we have Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols. This was the very first signed, personalized-just-for-me book I have ever gotten from an author before. It doesn’t hurt that I adore Jennifer’s writing hardcore. It turns out that one sibling spilled fruit punch on it and another sibling decided to use it as his coloring book but that does not take away its value at all. It is still so very special to me. We also have The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen! Thanks to the seriously fan-freaking-tastic blogger, Cari @ Cari’s Book Blog, I now own a few of my favorite books signed by my favorite author. If you know anything about me at all, you know I love Sarah Dessen’s books with every fiber of my being so when Cari offered to take my books, especially my favorite one (The Truth About Forever) to a S.D. signing I cried…literally.

Most Valuable (non-signed) Books:

There are also 2 winners for this one! The next two books are books that changed my life for the better. They made me think about the world around me, they made me laugh, cry ugly tears in which I ruined the last 30 or so pages of each book, and they made me fall deeply, madly in love with each and every character. What two books could possibly do this, you ask? Well none other than Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I know without a doubt that if someone comes to me for a recommendation that I could give them one or both of these stories and they will be touched by it. Truly amazing books!

Runner-Ups (signed) Books:

This is mostly a list of authors who have stolen my heart with their awesome signings. So of course I had to pick Blood Born by Jamie Manning. I mean come on, the guy wrote I was totally adorable in my book (aside from making me sound conceded, I also chose this one because Jamie is awesome)! Also, When You Were Mine Rebecca Serle. She wrote that I have a cute style…in my book! Can you tell I like compliments in my books? Let’s see here, I know there’s gotta be some more: my Ghost and the Goth series by Stacey Kade (LOVED IT!), all my books by Simone Elkeles (LOVE HER TOO!), my Nook cover signed by Meredith Zeitlin and Megan Bostic (I met them at a signing, had read both of their books, loved both of their books, didn’t have either of their books with me, so I settled for the next best option!), My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick was my family. Reading about the Garrett’s and all of their craziness, it just reminded me how lucky I am to have the huge, crazy, incredibly loving family that I do. Also, all of my Diana Peterfreund books (I introduced myself, told her I was half of the duo that reads her books every year on spring break, she knew exactly who I was, gave me a giant hug, and then signed my books as my “road-tripping friend”!!!!!!)

Runner-Ups (non-signed) Books:

These last books are ones that possess truly inspiring stories. On Little Wings by Regina Sioris is such a beautiful coming of age story. The setting is impeccable and the character growth will astound readers. Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson left me in so many tears, some happy and some sad. This story touched me so deeply and I have a feeling it will do the same to many more readers!  Finally there is Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. This is the first chapter book I can really remember falling in love with. Even though my love of reading began long before this book, I owe a lot of my obsession to the far away place this book took me.

TGIF (51)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Issue Books:

Which books have you found to be very rewarding when it comes to tackling tougher issues?

Over the past couple of years I have read such a wide variety of books. Most are fun, light-hearted books but every now and then I come across a book that makes me think, a book that tears my heart apart only to put it back together, and in the end it makes me feel completely different, it makes me completely different. Here are a few of my favorites:

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

This book is all about life and death. It’s about being faced with a premature expiration date and there being nothing you can do about it. This book is also about finding love when you least expect it. Reading this book was not easy, it broke my heart and made me ugly cry hardcore but in the end it was so worth it!

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

I love this book soooo much! Like the book listed above, this one is about death, a girl losing her father. This was not an easy read at all, yet another book that made me full-out cry ugly tears and stain the last 30 pages of my book with lots of tears. I love that this book was very hard to take at some points but it was also filled with enough heart-warming moments to make me feel somewhat better in the end.

Sophie and Carter by Chelsea Fine

This book is a bit unconventional when it comes to tougher issues. It deals with just about the most dysfunctional families I have ever heard of. Nothing comes easy for the main characters but Chelsea does such a fabulous job of tearing their lives apart and then piecing them back together again in a not so perfect way but definitely in a way that makes you feel okay about their futures.

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

Let’s be blunt here, this book is about rape. This issue is not a fun one to read about and I cringe every time I even hear the word. BUT Sarah wrote this story in such a way that you were able to learn about and cope with the issue without it all being thrown in your face. Even though this book is about something I really don’t like hearing about, it still ends up being one of my all-time favorite books.

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (5/25-6/1):

TGIF (50)

Life As Kate (17)

Help An Author Out!

Tune In Tuesday (61)

The Soul Saver’s Book Tour + Guest Post + Giveaway!

TGIF (50)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Show Me Your Cover:

What are some of the worst book covers, but hold some of the best stories inside? Don’t be embarrassed, show us your cover!

I had a really hard time with this question! I went through all of my top rated books but as I was doing so, I realized something: I love almost all of their covers! Most people are very particular about covers but that just isn’t me. Sometimes I like people on the covers, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I like the more artistic look and other times it just doesn’t work for me. After quite a bit of searching and even more nit-picking, I did come up with a few covers I was not a fan of (sort of. I still like most of the covers, just not for that particular book)

Ex-mas (A Love/Hate Story) by Kate Brian

It’s been a while since I’ve read this one but I remember finding it totally adorable! The cover is cute enough but it also has a little too much cheesiness.

Timeless by Alexandra Monir

Don’t get me wrong, this cover is very pretty HOWEVER I am not a giant fan of such a specific image of the main character. I had someone all dreamed up in my head and this cover made it a little hard to let my imagination run free.

Trade Secrets by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout

My reasons for not liking this cover are very similar to the above one. I had the character all figured out in my head but then when you go and look at the cover it’s just not quite the same. This book is so full of quirkiness, adorableness, and music! There should be a guitar on the cover (just saying!)

Return To Paradise by Simone Elkeles

Are these real people or is that a drawing? Isn’t this the same two people on another YA book even though the other one has a different background? Why doesn’t this cover match the edginess of the first book’s cover? All these questions explain why I do not like this cover.

Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith

Holy freaking creep-fest, Batman! I had nightmares for weeks and weeks after looking at this book. The story inside is a bit scary yes, but I do not need to pee my pants every time I look at the book!

Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

This cover also creeped me out like no other. When my best friend suggested this as our next book club read, I almost smacked her. The story is just so great and really not all that creepy so I really wish the cover didn’t portray that! I love that Ransom used all these old, freaky photos throughout the whole book but using one on the cover may scare readers away, ones who would have loved the book!

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (5/18-5/25):

TGIF (49)

Life As Kate (16)

Tune In Tuesday (60)

Elements by Kate Fuentes + Blog Tour + Review (kind of!)

Katelyn Visits GReads!!!!!!!!!

TGIF (49)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

A Book Blogger is Born:

What made you decide to start your very own book blog?

I just answered this question for my Blogger Behind the Book interview that will be on Ginger’s blog soon so you guys will have to act all surprised when you read it again! Basically here is a very lengthy story of why I started a blog:

So picture this, a very nerdy (but thinks she is so cool) Katelyn is in her senior year of high school. She is so FREAKING EXCITED because she is taking a Young Adult Literature class with perhaps the coolest teacher on the planet. It just so happens that this brilliant teacher has her own blog, YA Love, and this is something Katelyn has never really known about before. But now, back to the class, it is centered all around book and Katelyn soon realizes just how much she has missed reading lately. Soon enough she is buying more and more books…on top of the great ones we were required to read in class.  Occasionally the class goes on to the computer to check out our teacher’s blog and we leave some comments. While all this nerdish goodness is going down Katelyn is also struggling through her first and last season of Tennis. She may have been a Cross Country and Track runner her whole life but this last year is different. She decided to do something fun regardless of her lack of coordination. Right before the school year ended, Katelyn’s top moment of gracefulness came to a peak when she dislocated her kneecap.

The whole first part of summer was spent lying around, watching TV, and getting on the computer. After a while Katelyn decides to look up her former teacher’s book blog. Upon doing so she discovers so many other book blogs! It doesn’t take long for Katelyn to decide that she too wants a book blog. In August of 2010, Katelyn’s Blog was born. For the first few months there were very few posts and in those posts Katelyn rambled on endlessly about her life assuming that any random person was just dying to know all that information. This was not the case. It wasn’t until January 2011 that Katelyn’s Blog really turned into a book blog. Add in a few reviews, some author interviews, giveaways, a name change, lots of music posts, a ton of fun memes, a creating of a Twitter account, more random posts than any person can count, and that leads us to where we are today, Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands!

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands:

TGIF (48)

Life As Kate (15)

In My Mailbox (34)

Cicada by Belle Whittington + Blog Tour + Giveaway!

Tune In Tuesday (59)

Calling all bloggers, authors, and awesomely bookish people!

TGIF (48)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Supporting Characters:

We tend to gush over those main characters the most, but what about those supporting roles? Who are some of your favorites?

There is no doubt in my mind and in the minds of people who know me best that I am a HUUUUGGGGEEE sucker for a side character that is done well. In nearly every review that I write up, I make sure  I mention at least one supporting character and what I liked or didn’t like about them. I mean they can make or break a book! They are the ones that push a main character to act, think, do things a certain way. They can make readers laugh, cry, get upset, or swoon just as much if not more than the main character.

So in preparation of this very important post of very important characters, I looked through my “read” list on Goodreads. But instead of being helpful/productive,  it turned into a walk down memory lane. I was recalling great supporting characters, some of my favorite scenes they were involved in, and creating a list that was far too long for a simple TGIF post. That being said, I tried to pick only a few of my favorite supporting characters but the list turned out to be rather long and then upon further inspection it turned into more of a list of supporting characters that I would want to makeout ummm I mean read more about. I am well aware that a supporting character can be in the form of a parental figure, sibling, best friend, enemy, boyfriend, best friend that wants to become a boyfriend, etc. but let’s just face it, some of our favorite supporting characters are the guys that steal our heart and threaten to never let them go (well until the next great guy comes along).

If the supporting character could potentially have a book all about them or in the case of a hot guy, they make me swoon like no other, then you know they are something special! A few of my very favorites are (after some very intensive research):

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green: Augustus Waters

This book was just as much his as it was Hazel’s. Hazel’s story captured my attention and Augustus’ personality made sure it stayed in my heart. He added so much to this story. My life will never be the same after reading about those two.

The Jessica Darling Series by Megan McCafferty: Marcus Flutie

This boy makes my heart flutter every time his name is mentioned…which is quite often…which I do NOT mind in the slightest…because he is MARCUS FREAKING FLUTIE!

Divergent by Veronica Roth: Four

He is strong, pushes Tris to be just as strong, he has his own deep dark secrets that I loved figuring out, and he is oh so swoon-worthy.

Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta: Basically every character that isn’t the main character

This whole book is filled to the very brim with vibrant, mesmerizing characters. Each character holds a very special place in the story and in my heart. I could read about each one’s own story and never get bored with it.

Love, Inc. by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout: Syd & Kali

I loved the adorableness of this book so much. Syd and Kali were very much a part of the main character’s story from start to finish. They had such entertaining personalities and I LOVE that the authors continued on with another story from Kali’s point of view (Trade Secrets).

Anew by Chelsea Fine: The Archer Brothers

These two boys, oh my! They helped to create the most amazing, heartbreaking, breathtaking love triangle I have ever seen.

The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen: Basically every character that isn’t the main character

Oh this story…<3 I love Macy’s mom’s craziness, heartbreak and all; I loved Delia and how loving and supporting she was no questions asked; I loved Bert whose nerdiness added so much laughter to this book; I adore Kristy and Monica who befriended Macy without a second thought; and last but not least, I LOVE Wes, just for him being who he is and how he helps Macy to find out who she is.

Miscellaneous: All the swoon-worthy, drool-inducing, heart palpitation-causing boys

This one is for all the guys I am too tired to think of at this very moment. The ones that make me say “aww”, the ones I dream about, the ones that the very real and very alive guys are now compared to. They bring love and sweetness to the pages of many books <3

Miscellaneous: All the crazy, goofy, interesting, fun, fabulous best friends

They are in a TON of books, we may not always remember exactly why we loved them but it is safe to say the best friend character is filled with someone who brings humor to the story, is always there for our main character, the one that reminds us of a friend or someone we know in real life. They are the ones that add so much extra little awesomeness to the story.

Miscellaneous: Everyone else I am forgetting

The evil villains that make your skin crawl but fascinate you at the same time, the grandma/grandpa that smells of old person but is really sweet and can teach you important life lessons, the pet that loves you unconditionally, the moms and dads that are either uberly crappy or utterly overbearing, the moms and dads that are there and supporting their children (because those types of parents DO and SHOULD exist in books), ALL of these characters are important. They may not have a whole book centered around them but they deeply affect the main character and help to shape the story into something that we love, adore, and gush endlessly about!

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (5/4-5/11):

TGIF (47)

Awry by Chelsea Fine + Cover Reveal + Giveaway!

Tune In Tuesday (58)

TGIF (47)

There once was an awesome blogger named Ginger and she decided to create a super fun feature where fellow bloggers would answer fabulous questions via blog posts every Friday. TGIF was born and we all have Miss Ginger at GReads! to thank for that! This week’s question is:

Literary Vacations:

If you could take a trip this summer to any place within a fictional book, where would you go? Tell us about your summer dream vacation!

Where wouldn’t I go? At this point, skipping off into the demon-infested world of Megan Duncan’s book, Released, sounds like a rather enjoyable vacation (kidding!)

I guess in all seriousness, this question comes at a perfect time because as of yesterday at precisely 6:30 p.m. my summer vacation OFFICIALLY began! As for my answer to this question, I will have to cheat and answer with a ton of books! In no particular order, here are the places I would LOVE to spend my summer vacation:

Yellowstone National Park. Janet Fox does such a phenomenal job creating vivid images of Yellowstone in her book Faithful. There would be so much of nature to take in and I am certain it would be one of the most beautiful places to visit.

Paris. If you are at all familiar with this darling little book called Anna and the French Kiss by an even lovelier author, Stephanie Perkins, then you too will want to spend your days traipsing around town with Anna and St. Clair (but mostly just St. Clair!)

Colby. Sarah Dessen is one of the best authors when it comes to creating towns that I want to be a part of! They all seem so normal but she makes them almost magical with all their little quirks. I think Colby, a small town in Along For The Ride, sounds like a cute, fun, relaxing place to spend my summer…plus there are cute guys riding around on bikes all over the place. Count me in!

Colonial Essex Village. Call me a nerd but I happen to think dressing up in old-fashioned clothing (or at least visiting a place that requires their workers to dress up in old-fashioned clothing) would be loads of fun. In Past Perfect by Leila Sales, life in the Colonial times is not the main character’s favorite thing but I think it would be great fun to try out at least once!

Somewhere-in-Alabama. You know that one author I just adore, gush about constantly, and will read anything by? Does the name Jennifer Echols ring a bell? Well she created this one series that I devoured in less than 3 days called Endless Summer. Well if you want to know where I want to spend my days, THAT book, wherever it takes place, is where I want to be. Days on the boat, soaking up the sun, nights spent with cute guys. I don’t think life gets much better than that!

On the road. Road trips are my very favorites! I love the junk food, the naps in the passenger seat, getting lost, finding my way back, singing at top-volume with not a care in the world, discovering new places, and driving at top speed with the windows down. Every single part of a road trip is fun for me and no one has written a better road trip than Morgan Matson with Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour. The places they visited, the things they did, all the memories they created…it just sounded like the best time!

This week on Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands (4/27-5/4):

TGIF (46)

Defy by Raine Thomas + Book Trailer

Tune In Tuesday (57) Random Playlist Edition

Defy by Raine Thomas + Blog Tour+ Giveaway

The Fine Art of Truth Or Dare by Melissa Jensen