This Or That (14)

This or That

Alissa Grosso!

Hello readers, bloggers, authors, and generally awesome people (who happen to love books!) and welcome to This Or That! This Or That is a feature posted every week and it works like this: each person is asked a series of This Or That/Would You Rather-type questions, some serious and some funny, and by doing so we get to learn just a bit more about our favorite bookish people!  This feature is currently scheduled through April 2013 but if you would still be interested in signing up, please check out this post and fill out the form!

I am sorry this week’s This Or That post is a day late (I blame the holidays AND the fact that I am currently on vacation with limited internet access). Regardless, I am so thrilled to have author, Alissa Grosso, with us today! Alissa was a 2011 debut author with her book entitled, Popular. In 2012, she followed up her debut with a new book (that I have at home and need to read like yesterday), Ferocity Summer. Alissa has another exciting year planned with the 2013 release of her newest book, Shallow Pond. All three of her books sound SO different but they all seem to tackle some pretty heavy stuff and that intrigues me like no other. I am sure you are all just dying to find out more so without further ado, let’s meet Alissa!

Alissa Grosso

About The Author: Alissa Grosso is the author of the novels Popular (Flux, 2011) and Ferocity Summer (Flux, 2012). Her third novel Shallow Pond is due out from Flux in 2013. She shares her home with some more or less domesticated furry creatures and is fond of playing outdoors. She lives in a small town in Pennsylvania.

Do you prefer reading paperback or hardcover books?

I’m an equal opportunity reader. I prefer paperbacks when traveling and love to curl up on the couch with a hardcover.

Dessert time: cookies or cupcakes?

I love cookies – shortbread, chocolate chip, Double Stuff Oreos, oatmeal. They’re my favorite dessert.

When it comes to your reading tastes are you a bigger contemporary fan or a fantasy fan?

Contemporary is more my speed. I love characters that seem real and that I can relate to.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I’ve got a couple of cats and a dog. So, I guess I’m just an animal person in general.

A year without books or a year without your favorite food?

No way, I could make it a year without books. It would be tough not to eat pizza for a whole year, but I think I could handle it.

Morning or night?

Night. It’s my favorite time to write. I’ve never understood those people who say they get up extra early to write. I’m a bit of a zombie in the morning.

Would you rather read outside in the sun or inside all snuggled up with a book?

I love the outdoors, but I prefer to do my reading indoors where it’s always nice and comfy.

Do you listen to one specific type of music or mixed genres?

I am all over the map. My iPod is a big mish mosh of genres and eras.

You have to be your main character for a day, do you choose to live through Popular or Ferocity Summer?

Oh boy. This question makes me realize I should probably write some sunnier, happier books. I guess I’d have to go with Ferocity Summer. Scilla Davis has her share of problems, but I think I could handle a day in her life.

You MUST pick one: reading or writing?

Writing. I’m quoting a high school friend of mind who ironically is not a writer when I say “If I didn’t write my head would explode.”

Do you outline your books like a crazy person or do you just start writing down whatever pops into your head?

I never used to outline. I’m slowly coming to the realization that outlines can be helpful things to have. I haven’t quite hit my crazy-person-outlining-stride, but I now make some sketchy note sort of things that are vaguely like outlines.

Do you prefer winter or summer?

I really love winter. I love when it gets dark earlier, and there’s something magical about a snowy day. That said, now that I’m getting older my body tends to prefer the warmer weather and I dread the idea of having to drive in snow and ice and nasty winter weather.

When writing, do you have to be in complete silence or utter chaos?

I guess I prefer silence, but I have no idea what complete silence sounds like. I settle for quietish.

Which do you enjoy more: recorded music or live music?

Recorded music. I used to work at a concert venue so I guess I got my fill of live music which can be loud and headache causing. I now associate concerts with working.

Do you have an idea of who your characters are before you write the story or do they develop as the story goes on?

I guess I mostly know who my characters are before I write the story, but they still manage to surprise me as I’m writing. So, I guess they do develop a bit during the course of writing a story.

Coke or Pepsi?

I’m addicted to Coke Zero.

What are your favorite parts to write: world building or character building?

Character building. It’s so interesting creating and getting to know characters.

Are you a nook girl or a kindle girl?

I’m a luddite. I’m not really an e-reader at all. I’m still hooked on my dead tree book.

An entire month of Christmas movies or Christmas music?

Definitely the music. I’ve been playing Christmas music every chance I get since the day after Thanksgiving.

Alissa, thank you so very much for agreeing to take part in This Or That this week! I had so much fun coming up with the questions and I hope you had just as much fun answering them. As for the rest of you, what did you think? I have to agree with morning and night question! I have been known to be quite the night owl myself. I hope you guys enjoyed! Please leave a comment below letting us know what you thought of this week’s This Or That and be sure to check out the links below to stalk…err follow/like/be-friend Alissa throughout the internet!

Author Website

Author Goodreads Page

Popular Goodreads Page

Ferocity Summer Goodreads Page

Shallow Pond Goodreads Page


Tune In Tuesday (84) + Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas Cat & Dog

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that your Christmas is filled with friends, family, and cookies!


Tune In Tuesday is a weekly feature in which bloggers get to showcase another one of their loves, music! This feature was originally created by Ginger over at GReads! but you can now find it here at Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands. If you would like to participate in this weekly feature, make a blog post showcasing a song (or a few!) and link up at the bottom of this post by clicking the cute blue guy! While you’re here make sure to check out all the other awesome blogs that have decided to participate!

In honor of today being Christmas I figured I would highlight a few of my favorite holiday songs. I hope you guys enjoy!

All I Want For Christmas Is You by Vince Vance & The Valiants

Christmas Cannon Rock by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Santa Baby by Eartha Kitt

Winter Song by Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson

Blog Tour + Book Review + Giveaway: Falling From Eternity by Megan Duncan


Falling From Eternity

Title: Falling From Eternity

Author: Megan Duncan

Pages: 189

My Rating: 3/5 Stars

Source: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest and thoughtful review

For William, life was as wicked and malicious as the beast he was trying destroy. Decades spent living a life of extravagance, domination and ravenous hunger haunted him. But when you live forever, the past never stays buried. And that which wishes to control you, will never let you go. William thought he found his escape, his one and only love, but the thing he fears the most could be the only thing that saves them. Or, it could doom them all.

Falling From Eternity by Megan Duncan was a quick, exciting paranormal read! I haven’t read a good vampire book in a while and I think I was due for one when this book came along!

I liked William as a main character. It is not very often you get to read a book from a male’s point of view and it is even more rare if that particular male is a vampire. I loved getting inside of his head regardless of how sad, heartbreaking, and gloomy his thoughts may have been at certain times. Despite how rough the first few centuries of his life were, William is striving to make himself a better person. The killing, the money, the power, it just wasn’t what he wanted in life. He wanted to find the meaning to it. Why was he a monster? Why was it necessary to do such cruel things to stay alive? Was there a point to all of this? While I found William’s determination and sheer force of will power in staying away from the thing his body craved most to be courageous and noble, I also found his self-loathing to be a bit much by the end of the story. I could tell he was a good person. He was so compassionate about humans in general especially those that he cared for and he sacrificed A LOT to live a life free of harming humans. So I guess it was just a bit too much negativity for me. Aside from that though, I LOVED how Megan portrayed vampires in this novel. There were many similar traits to the traditional vampire but she changed it up just enough to be unique without being overly confusing.

The story starts off rather slow with lots of the self-loathing I was talking about earlier. However, once William meets Autumn, the story picks up the pace and goes through so many twists and turns that I could hardly keep my head straight. Like I said, he was quite the Debbie-Downer through the first part of the book so it was fantastic to see how much he brightened up once Autumn was in the picture! Even though I wanted to love their relationship so very much, I found myself only really liking it. It seemed a bit too insta-love for my personal liking. Once I got over the fact that William’s feelings for Autumn grew rather quickly, I was actually able to appreciate the connection that they shared. William seemed to genuinely love Autumn inside and out and I found it refreshing that they didn’t rush into anything at all. They took the time to really get to know one another before making their relationship official.

I loved the twists and turns that took place in the second half of the book. I really did not see a lot of the bigger plot twists coming and it kept me on my toes! I was constantly wondering if William and Autumn would find their happily ever after. Megan leaves off with quite the little cliff-hanger at the end of the book that has made me all sorts of excited for what I am hoping is a Falling From Eternity sequel!

Falling From Eternity is a quick, entertaining paranormal romance. If you are in the need for good vampire book with just enough twists to keep you guessing, then I suggest giving this one a try!


In celebration of Falling From Eternity’s launch, Megan is hosting a giveaway on her blog! Be sure to check it out by following this link!

99 Authors, 99 Books, 99 Cents!

You guys, I have a super special, super awesome, super incredible announcement today!

For one day only, 99 authors have all agreed to put up one of their books on Amazon for only .99 cents! There are all sorts of awesome books at a cheap, cheap, cheap (I swear I do not mean to be imitating a bird right now) price up for grabs from all sorts of genres like YA, NA, Romance, Mystery, Science Fiction, etc. On top of there being so many inexpensive books, there is also a HUGE giveaway with prizes like a $500 Amazon gift card, a Kindle Fire, a Kindle Paperwhite, and several other awesome prizes. So my only question is: WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE!?! Be sure to go check out this event by clicking the link below. You’ll notice all the tabs at the top of the page dividing the books up into their respective categories. So you’ve got awesome authors, cheap books, mind-blowing prizes, and it’s all so easy, a reindeer could do it!

These prices are available on Amazon only.

For a listing of books offered and to enter to win, click here!!

This Or That (13)

This or That

Lucy @ Keeping It Real With Lucy!

Hello readers, bloggers, authors, and generally awesome people (who happen to love books!) and welcome to This Or That! This Or That is a feature posted every week and it works like this: each person is asked a series of This Or That/Would You Rather-type questions, some serious and some funny, and by doing so we get to learn just a bit more about our favorite bookish people!  This feature is currently scheduled through April 2013 but if you would still be interested in signing up, please check out this post and fill out the form!

Today on This Or That, I have the lovely Lucy! Lucy is the absolute sweetheart who runs the blog Keeping It Real With Lucy! Lucy’s blog is filled with talk of LOTS of awesome books! And let me just say, it is almost kind of creepy how much I have in common with this girl when it comes to reading taste & other non-bookish things! Every review of hers that I looked at, I either have read the book and LOVED it or it has been on my TBR pile for forever and I’m dying to read it. Also, I had a knee injury in high school much like Lucy (I get how much they can really suck Lucy!) three separate times that while they didn’t prevent me from trying new sports, they did in fact shorten the amount of time I got to play in sports before I got hurt yet again. (Lucy, I promise you I am not a creepy stalker!). Without further ado, and with stalking tendencies aside, let’s meet Lucy!


About The Blogger: I’m a quirky teen who loves to read! It started with parents who always read to me before bed. In my free time I love to play basketball and golf. (Well basketballs out the question now. I can never play contact sports again:() I craft, and love spending time with family and friends!

Do you keep your books on bookshelves or random spots throughout the house?

All my books are neatly on a bookshelf! If we want to get really specific they are all organized by the author’s last name!

A year without books or a year without your favorite food?

Uhhhh favorite food… Although a year without books could be heaven! My eyes would have a rest!

Would you rather read outside in the sun or inside all snuggled up with a book?

All snuggled up! I can’t stand the sun. It bugs me so much!

Are you a Coke person or a Pepsi person?

Great question and I’m not sure. If I do drink one it’s Coke Zero… But Pepsi has a nice taste to it. But I am not a big soda drinker.

When it comes to your reading tastes are you a bigger contemporary fan or a fantasy fan?

CONTEMPORARY!!! I can’t stand fantasy. Don’t ask why.

Cats or dogs?

Neither? My mom’s allergic to animal hair so I haven’t grown up around either. Which is easier to take care of? :)

Do you listen to one specific type of music or mixed genres?

Not sure. I guess I am a mixed with country and like pop/rock. But I CAN NOT stand rap. Period.

Do you prefer reading paperback or hardcover books?

Paperback! Less heavy in my book bag.

What type of books do you tend to enjoy more: laugh-out-loud-writing or make-you-ponder-life’s-biggest-mysteries-writing?

Laugh out loud. Mysteries are way too suspenseful for me. But if I could make my own up I would say romance!

Dessert time: cookies or cupcakes?

Cupcakes… Well cookies… Naw let’s go with cupcakes. Chocolate with chocolate icing.

Which do you enjoy more: books turned into movies or books turned into TV shows?

Books turned into TV shows. Then hope it’s a series so I can continue to watch it.

When it comes to music do you sing along or dance along?

Sing. Well I can’t sing, and I am a terrible dancer, so does standing in the corner count?

Are you a nook girl or a kindle girl?


Which do you enjoy more: recorded music or live music?

I would say recorded only because it sounds better, but I would prefer live, but sometimes it doesn’t sound right.

Team bad boy or team boy next door?

Team boy next door! *Swoons*

Do you tend to be a bigger fan of the fictional boyfriends or the fictional best friends?

Depends. I like reading about romance so when two characters have sparks I like that, but then again sometimes two friends have sparks!

Would you rather be turned into a werewolf or a vampire?

Neither? Uh I guess vampire. Then I could make you one to!

When marking the pages in your books do you use a bookmark or dog-ear your pages?

Bookmark! It drives me insane to see creases in the page.

Do you like your books to be a part of a series or stand alone?

Sometimes I feel like books end blankly when they are a standalone, but sometimes series drag on. If I had to choose I would say standalone.

An entire month of Christmas movies or Christmas music?

Movies! Especially the romantic kind!

Thanks for having me!

I just want to send out a giant THANK YOU to Lucy for agreeing to take part in this week’s This Or That! I just loved reading through all of her answers! I run across few fellow Nook lovers so when I do I get just a bit excited :) Please leave a comment below letting us know what you thought of this week’s This Or That and be sure to check out the links below to stalk…err follow/like/be-friend Lucy throughout the internet!




Holiday Reads!

In just a few short days, Christmas will be upon us! I am ready to sit back & relax with the family, eat my weight and Christmas cookies, and curl up with a good book. Over the past year or so, I’ve read a few holiday/winter-inspired books that I’ve really liked and I have come across even more that I want to read! I thought I’d put together a fun little post showcasing those very books. Please feel to join in on the holiday festivities by sharing your favorite holiday reads in the comment box below!

Have Read:

Decked With Holly

Decked With Holly by Marni Bates (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: Marni has created yet another laugh-out-loud funny book! I adored her first book Awkward and I equally adored this one because let’s be honest, it’s centered around Christmas!

Snowed Over

Snowed Over by Angie Stanton (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: This was a sweet Christmas tale! Two college students stranded in an old cabin over Christmas — what could possibly go wrong (or right!)?


Falling by Jolene Perry (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: This isn’t exactly a Christmas story but with the snow (and there are LOTS of it) and the cozy lodge, this is the PERFECT curl-up-on-the-couch-with-fuzzy-socks-and-a-cute-story type of book!


Ex-mas by Kate Brian (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: I read this book last year and I thought it was a really cute, Christmas-themed love story!

Want To Read:


Tempestuous by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: I recently received this book and I must say, it sounds like the perfect winter break book although I may not want to be at the mall or any other public venue while reading it!

Clara Claus

Clara Claus by Alexandra Lanc (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: Jack Frost and Santa’s granddaughter!?! As cheesy as this may or may not be, I must say I am oddly fascinated by the whole premise!

Santa Baby

Santa, Baby by Jennifer Crusie, Carly Phillips, and Lori Foster (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: All three stories included in this book sounds so good! I am always game for some Christmas romance!


Mistletoe: Four Holiday Stories by Hailey Abbott, Melissa De La Cruz, Aimee Friedman, and Nina Malkin (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: An awesome set of authors putting together what seems to be an awesome set of holiday stories!

All I Want

All I Want by Rachael Renee Anderson, Kaylee Baldwin, and Jolene Perry (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: All three stories in this book sound adorable! Jolene has made this list already with Falling so I’m excited to see what other holiday romance she’s put together!

Let It Snow

Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

My Thoughts: Take a look at the authors behind this holiday book. That is all.

Tune In Tuesday (83)

Tune In Tuesday is a weekly feature in which bloggers get to showcase another one of their loves, music! This feature was originally created by Ginger over at GReads! but you can now find it here at Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands. If you would like to participate in this weekly feature, make a blog post showcasing a song (or a few!) and link up at the bottom of this post by clicking the cute blue guy! While you’re here make sure to check out all the other awesome blogs that have decided to participate!

Hello there everyone and Happy Tuesday to you! I am so totally in love with today’s artist! I first heard Rosi Golan’s sweet, sweet voice on the soundtrack to Dear John. Ever since that moment, I have had an incredible love for her music. My good friend Cyndi & I like to fan-girl about her music occasionally and she was awesome enough to send me over a CD of Rosi’s music! I tried to narrow down a few of my favorite songs by her but honestly, you can’t go wrong. I hope you enjoy!

Think Of Me by Rosi Golan

This is the song from Dear John, the very one that lead me to Rosi! Even after falling in love with all of her other music, this is still one of my favorites!

Paper Tiger by Rosi Golan

Plain and simple, I love this song. The beat of it, the words, just everything.

Say It Anyway by Rosi Golan featuring Casey Shea

I know this song is kind of heartbreaking and depressing but I can’t help but love it.

Fly Away by Rosi Golan

Aside from the first one, this is my favorite Rosi Golan song!

Book Review: Wallbanger by Alice Clayton


Title: Wallbanger

Author: Alice Clayton

Pages: 300

Publisher: Omnific Publishing

My Rating: 4.5-5/5 stars

Disclaimer: This is most definitely an adult book! If you are strictly a MG or YA reviewer this book may not be for you but if you can handle a bit (okay…A LOT) of sexy time, I strongly suggest it!

Caroline Reynolds has a fantastic new apartment in San Francisco, a KitchenAid mixer, and no O (and we’re not talking Oprah here, folks). She has a flourishing design career, an office overlooking the bay, a killer zucchini bread recipe, and no O. She has Clive (the best cat ever), great friends, a great rack, and no O.

Adding insult to O-less, since her move, she has an oversexed neighbor with the loudest late-night wallbanging she’s ever heard. Each moan, spank, and–was that a meow?–punctuates the fact that not only is she losing sleep, she still has, yep, you guessed it, no O.

Enter Simon Parker. (No, really, Simon, please enter.) When the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. Their late-night hallway encounter has, well, mixed results. Ahem. With walls this thin, the tension’s gonna be thick…

In her third novel, Alice Clayton returns to dish her trademark mix of silly and steamy. Banter, barbs, and strutting pussycats, plus the sexiest apple pie ever made, are dunked in a hot tub and set against the gorgeous San Francisco skyline in this hot and hilarious tale of exasperation at first sight.

Don’t let the title and the fact that this book is so clearly about sex fool you! Wallbanger is so much more than just sex. It is a hilarious book about a strong-willed, witty, and independent woman getting comfortable with her own life before taking part in a relationship. It is about two adults learning to respect each other and becoming good friends before moving their relationship onto the next level. And it is about a cat, Clive, who even though he is just the main character’s feline friend, has so much personality that I fell in love with him just as much as the rest of the story!

Caroline is about as awesome as any main character could ever get! She is so sure and confident of who she is as a person. She has a rock-solid and not-to-mention super awesome career as an interior designer (NOT decorator, thank you very much). She has her own apartment, an incredible baking talent, two best friends who are HILARIOUS, a fantastic boss who is more like a really good friend, and a cat that truly has enough personality to have his very own book (On a side note: CLIVE = AWESOME! I love, love, LOVE her cat.) I think what I LOVED most was that Caroline was so stable as a character. Sure she didn’t have a significant other but she was okay with that. Her life was fulfilling and happy and she didn’t rely on a guy to make that happen. The inner Miss Independent in me jumped and applauded every time Caroline reminded someone just how capable she was doing stuff on her own. On top of Caroline being an awesomely independent woman, she was also down-right hilarious! I give the author a big thumbs up for making such a real character with a funny sense of humor.

So obviously Caroline’s life is going spectacularly well that is until she hears some noises (which may or may not be…umm…sexual noises) coming from next door. In fact she hears a wide range of noises coming from next door various nights a week (One of these noises sends her cat into an all out frenzy and another night the wall-banging that’s going on plops one of her pictures right on top of her head. Painful but so funny!) One particular night, when these noises become too much to bear, Caroline marches right on over, slams on her mysterious neighbor’s door, and explains to half-naked Simon, that the noises have got to stop. From this moment on, Caroline’s life is infused with Simon.

Despite Simon’s womanizing ways and the fact that I was dead-set on disliking him because of it, I in fact fell in love with him. *sigh* Once he got over the fact that Caroline was a “cock-blocker” (his words, not mine), he actually became a good friend to her! He looked after her (not that she needed it, because let’s face it she is totally self-sufficient…but he was there just in case), he was funny and sweet when she needed it, and was ready for a good argument when she needed those as well. Simon was one of those characters that got under my skin in the best way possible. Towards the end of the book, every scene with him in it caused a huge grin to appear on my face.

It was quite apparent from the very beginning that these two were attracted to each other. I mean, sure they had their disagreements and they had an almost constant banter going on (which added so much humor to this already hilarious story), but trust me attraction was there for sure! However, instead of rushing right into everything, they took their time, and people I absolutely LOVE THAT! Caroline made sure she could prove to Simon just how perfectly fine she was without a man in the house, and Simon wanted to end things right with his “harem” (Caroline’s not so nice description of the women he’s with. His relationship with each one of them was actually pretty complex and not as “dirty” as I was expecting). I think they both knew deep down that they weren’t meant to have the friends-with-benefits type of relationship, that they would somehow mean something more, so the fact that waited until they were both stable and ready to move onto something more serious was a refreshing detail in this book.

So of course there are sexy times in this book. And sure a lot of these sexy times made me blush like no other but I do think this book is so much more than that! There are hilarious, sweet, make you giggle, make you swoon, make you wish you had a cat like Clive, moments throughout this entire book! And the icing on top of this awesome cake? Well the very last couple pages of the book are from Clive’s point of view! When I first read it I nearly peed my pants with laughter and since I was giggling so much the first time, I went through and re-read the last few pages again with pretty much the same result. So is this book for everyone? Most definitely not. I know a lot of the people who stop by this blog are generally looking for YA books to read BUT if you want to dip your toes into the world of adult books, then I suggest giving Wallbanger a try. I found it to be a light-hearted, sweet, hilarious, charming, and entertaining book!

Life As Kate (32)

Life As Kate

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week! Here’s what went down in the life of Kate:

Last Saturday, the family went to the Christmas tree farm! We make a trip every year, the whole entire family. This year however, Andrew had to stay home with a busted up ankle. At first I felt so bad but then we got to the tree farm and Zack & Zeke proceeded to throw a slew of hissy fits and before long, I was envying Andrew. Zack and Zeke got upset by just about anything and everything. At first it was because earlier in the day we told Zeke that if he continued to be bad, Santa would put him on the naughty list. It just so happens that Santa was at the tree farm that particular day and Zeke was none too happy. After that it was a family argument over which type of tree we were getting and once that was settled we all had to agree on the actual tree. This proved to be much more difficult than one would think so we ended up leaving with two trees. By the time we got the trees selected, it was time for hot cocoa and donuts. Again, one would think this would be an easy task but after hearing an all-out brawl between my brothers about who would get what treat in the store, I’ve changed my mind on the easiness of this otherwise mundane task. After surviving the tree farm (just barely) I had to go into work. It was a pretty uneventful night as far as work goes but it got me out of the chaos otherwise known as my family.

Sunday started off pretty good. Everyone was lounging around, slowly putting up Christmas decorations and untangling Christmas lights. All was happy until it was time to take the family Christmas picture. It was at this time that Zeke threw one heck of a major meltdown. All of us kids climbed into my dad and stepmom’s bed, pretended to read a Christmas book, and ignored the fact that Zeke was screaming and crying the ENTIRE TIME. My stepmom managed to snag one good picture but Zeke’s meltdown during the picture-taking session led to her meltdown after the picture-taking session. After that whole ordeal was finished, I started baking for the potluck we were having at work that night while we reset the store. I am kind of weirded out to admit this but by this time I was happy to be going into work for the night! Half of our staff ended up being out sick so only 5 of us were left to clean and straighten the entire store, not to mention eat all of the food!

After next to no sleep, I had to get up for classes on Monday. My classes ended up being super easy because I didn’t have a single thing due in English and we were finished with the tough stuff in Geography until this coming week. Monday night the family went to Bronner’s, a Christmas store in the next town over that is HUGE and full of all things Christmas. It was fun to walk around, look at all of the decorations, and of course the Cold Stone ice cream we got afterwards wasn’t too bad

Since I had Tuesday off, I worked all day long to put a poster board together for my English class. After hours spent cutting everything out for my poster, I took a much-needed break to go out to eat with Kati and make a small trip to the mall. It wasn’t much but we ended up having a blast! However, I probably should have thought about all of the work I had left to do because I ended up staying up until 3 putting the finishing touches on my poster for my presentation the next day.

When Wednesday morning rolled around, I was reminded again why I hate group projects so much. Apparently one of the girls in my group found out over the weekend we would not be presenting until Monday…AS IN NEXT MONDAY! So I stayed up all of that extra time for absolutely no reason at all. It’s safe to say I was a complete grumpy butt the rest of the day.

Thursday I had a day off from work and school. Instead of finishing up my homework like I should have done, I decided to clean my room. I tend to clean when stressed, overwhelmed, upset, angry, or when I’m procrastinating. It relaxes me plus I was feeling a little mix of all of those feelings on Thursday. Even though no homework got done, my room finished off the day by looking absolutely spotless!

Friday was yet another day off and it ended up being pretty darn fantastic (for the most part). I chit-chatted with my stepmom throughout the morning, my cousin Sara stopped by for a visit with her foster dog (who was absolutely ADORABLE), I finished up a super cute book, I got through some old emails, I helped babysit my brothers, visited with my other cousin who stopped over on her way home from college, decorated a gingerbread house, ate delicious pizza, and watched cheesy holiday Hallmark movies until the wee hours of the morning. My day however great it may have been going, was tainted with the heartbreak I felt hearing the news of the Connecticut school shooting. I won’t say much about it because really, words fail to come to me at the moment but it’s safe to say I hugged my brothers a little bit tighter that night and I am still praying for those touched by these tragic events.

Now that it’s Saturday, I’ve got quite the day planned. I will be starting off my day with a Christmas party for my real mom’s side of the family. Not only just aunts, uncles, and cousins, but also great aunts, great uncles, and second & third cousins. There are SO many of us that are going to be there. This side of my family is incredibly loud and obnoxious (Regardless of how quiet and shy I may come off at first, I definitely carry these loud & obnoxious characteristics with me. I blame genetics), so I plan to take an aspirin before I even get there. Directly following the Christmas party I have work. Fun times, fun times. This next week is going to be crazy with finishing up school and trying to get that last-minute Christmas shopping done but I am incredibly excited! I hope you all have a fan-tabulous weekend!


Family Christmas

Family Christmas 2

Family Christmas 3

The first picture is the one good picture my stepmom managed to take of us kids. The second two, us kids had absolutely no idea about. We were all kind of shocked & highly amused to find those last two pics on our family Christmas card!

This Or That (12)

This or That

Julia Karr!

Hello readers, bloggers, authors, and generally awesome people (who happen to love books!) and welcome to This Or That! This Or That is a feature posted every week and it works like this: each person is asked a series of This Or That/Would You Rather-type questions, some serious and some funny, and by doing so we get to learn just a bit more about our favorite bookish people!  This feature is currently scheduled through April 2013 but if you would still be interested in signing up, please check out this post and fill out the form!

For this week’s This Or That, I have Julia Karr here on the blog! Julia’s YA series debuted in 2011 with the first book, XVI! The second book for this exciting dystopian series, Truth, came out at the beginning of the year. I have yet to read this series (I do have XVI sitting on my shelf though so hopefully very soon!) but I have heard wonderful things about it! We have some super fun questions and answers for you guys today so without further ado, let’s meet Julia!

Julia Karr

About the author: Julia grew up in the small town of Seymour, Indiana. She’s lived as far west as Colorado and as far south as Florida. Now she’s back in the midwest.

She’s been a writer all her life. Starting out as a young poet and a letter-writer. Julia wanted to be an artist, a poet, and president. She no longer want the latter!

At sixteen, Julia moved to Chicago – fell in love with the city – and still carries a torch for it!

Her first two books – XVI and Truth – are available now. She’s currently working on a contemporary YA mystery and a YA paranormal.

Visit her on the web at

Do you prefer reading paperback or hardcover books?

When I’m lying in bed reading, I prefer paperback, anywhere else – hardcover.

What type of books do you tend to enjoy more: laugh-out-loud-writing or make-you-ponder-life’s-biggest-mysteries-writing?

I’m a total sucker for pondering life’s bigger mysteries. But if you Read Terry Pratchett (The Wee Free Men) – you get both!

You MUST pick one: reading or writing?

Reading – it’s a whole lot easier!

If given the option, would you want your books turned into movies or turned into a TV show?

I want the option! I think movies – although I have no special reason why.

Which do you enjoy doing more, author interviews or character interviews?

Character interviews. My characters are more interesting!

Do you outline your books like a crazy person or do you just start writing down whatever pops into your head?

I am an outliner (maybe an outlier…what a difference one letter makes!) I write what ever’s there and then try to beat it into submission!

You’re forced to be your main character for a week, do you choose to live through book one (XVI) or live through book two (Truth)?

I’ll take Truth. I think I’m a little more aware and capable – besides, I kind of have a huge crush on Chris!

Dessert time: cookies or cupcakes?


Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I have both, but I tend towards the cats…I like that independent streak!

Do you listen to one specific type of music or mixed genres?

Mixed. Everything from Abba to Zappa with Mozart and Shankar in the middle!

Getting crazy: Would you rather type out your entire book using only your pointer fingers while blind-folded or only using your toes?

Ha! I think blindfolded w/pointer finger. I have me some talented toes – but I wouldn’t be able to see the computer screen – of course, I’d be blindfolded with the pointer finger scenario…hmmm…I think I’ll get a book on tape & just listen!

Are you a Coke person or a Pepsi person?

A Big Red person! (regional soda – but I don’t drink pop)

If you had one day to be a super hero or a super villain, which one would you pick?

Super hero! Wonder Woman! I’d love making people (especially politicians) have to tell the truth!

When it comes to your reading tastes are you a bigger contemporary fan or a fantasy fan?

I am a mystery lover. I don’t care if it’s fantasy or contemporary – it just has to have a good mystery!

A year without books or a year without your favorite food?

A year without my favorite food – definitely.

Would you rather read outside in the sun or inside all snuggled up with a book?

Outside in the sun.

When writing do you have to be in complete silence or utter chaos?

Silence. Or enough chaos that I can tune it out completely. I can’t write with music though…not at all.

Do you keep your books on bookshelves or random spots throughout the house?

Both. I have books on the shelves, but also strewn about the bedroom, my office, the bathroom…

An entire month of Christmas movies or Christmas music?

Movies! Can we start with White Christmas? The A Christmas Carol (the George C. Scott version), Miracle on 34th Street (the original), Holiday Inn, The Bishop’s Wife, Nightmare Before Christmas…must stop now!

What are your favorite parts to write: world-building or character-building?

Harder for me is character-building…so I’ll take that for 1000, Alex.

Thanks so much for having me on This or That!

So what did you guys think? First off I would love to give a HUGE thank you to Julia for agreeing to be a part of This Or That this week! It has been fun! Secondly, I LOVE her answers. I am also a cat person who loves her pie as well (although I am an even bigger cupcake fan. But dessert is dessert people!) I hope you guys had as much fun with this as I did! Please leave a comment below letting us know what you thought of this week’s This Or That and be sure to check out the links below to stalk…err follow/like/be-friend Julia throughout the internet!

Author website

Author Goodreads page

XVI Goodreads page

Truth Goodreads page

XVI #3 Goodreads page
